Cobra x Reader

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Little back story on your situation:

Brain had paired Cobra and you on a mission together. You're opposites. You like to talk, a lot but he rarely talks.

Your POV

We are walking through the forest to get to our destination right now and Cobra hasn't said one thing to me yet.

Like honestly I haven't done anything to him. I've just been walking a little behind him so he can lead the way.

I've already tried having a conversation with him multiple times but he ignores me.

I'll try again.

"So Cobra how far are we?" I asked trying to see if he'll answer me this time.

He just tsk-ed frustrated and I take it as a hint for me to shut up.

-------------- A little time skip ------------

The sun was starting to set and we were still in the forest. We haven't said anything to each other since he had tsk-ed for me to shut up.

I thought about him a lot since that. Like how his back muscles moved in his black muscle shirt when he walked and how I think he's really hot and sexy. I tried not to think about him like that because I know he listens to my thoughts sometimes but I can't help it that I like him.

"Can you stop?" Cobra says a little angry but still walking.

"W-what?" I asked stuttering because I was surprised he talked to me and confused about what he was talking about.

"Your thoughts they're preventing me from focusing on our mission." he said looking up at the trees in the little sun light we had left and then looking at me for a second and then said looking away, " We should find somewhere to stay for the night."

I nodded looking at the ground knowing how embarrassed I must look and how red I must be.

He led us to a cave and I immediately went to the back corner as far away from him as I could.

He noticed and sat at the entrance of the cave.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad, you know." Cobra said looking out into the night.

"It's whatever, I deserved it anyway. I shouldn't have been thinking those things." I said teary eyed and pulling my knees to my chest.

"No you have the right to think that way about anyone," he said breaking off and looking at me, "I just shouldn't have said that and I shouldn't have listened to your thoughts. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I guess you know I like you now, you must think I'm really weird." I said letting some tears slip.

I hear him get up thinking he was going for a walk or something when I feel him sit in front of me and put his hands on my arms.

"W-what are you doing-"

"I don't think you're weird at all. In fact I feel the same about you." Cobra said putting a strand of hair behind my ear and looking into my eyes.

Is he serious!?

"Yes I'm serious, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." Cobra said still looking into my eyes.

"You're just messing with me." I said as I stopped crying.

"Why would I do that?" Cobra asked a little taken a back.

"Because you heard my thoughts and now you wanna mess with my feelings." I said standing.

"I really do love you." he said also standing up.

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