Sting x Reader ~ T or D? Pt.1

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"Hey Y/N we're playing truth or dare tonight, wanna come?" Mirajane asks me as her and Lucy are getting ready to leave with Erza and the boys.

"Sure I got nothing else to do tonight." I said walking up next to Lucy.

"This is going to be soooo fun!!!" Lucy shrieked.

"Is it just us playing?" I asked.

"No, we're playing with two other people." Grey said.

"Who?" I said.

"You'll figure it out when we get there Y/N." Mira said smirking at me.

What is she planning.....

Who are we playing with?

On the walk there I mainly talked to Mira.

I was trying to see if she would tell me.

"So Mira where are we going?" I asked her.

"You'll see." She said.

"Come on tell me where we're going, who are we playing with!?!" I dramatically begged her.

She turned her head to the side and all she said was "Gray."

I was confused until I felt two muscular arms around my waist flipping me over their shoulder and realized it was my best friend Gray.

"Sorry Y/N." he whispered to me.

"It's fine." I said smiling.

"Let her walk when we're close okay?" Mira said back to Gray as Erza struck up conversation with her.

Gray and I have been best friends since we were young so him picking me up is something I'm used to already.

We tell each other everything too.

Which is why he's the only one that knows about my crush on a certain boy in a different guild.

"Gray?" I whispered to him so no one else could hear.


"We're not going to you-know-who's house are we?"

No answer.

"Shit." I said.

"Sorry but Mira thinks that he may like you back so she invited us all to hang out to see if he does." Gray said.

"But I was okay not knowing..." you sighed.

"I know you were but I think she may be right this time."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the way he looked at you the other day when him and his friend came to our guild. It was this sparkle in his eye whenever he looked at you. Plus he was always sneaking looks at you." Gray said matter-of-fact-ly.

"Really? I didn't see it." I said back.

"Well that's because you weren't looking at him. But I was."

"Why were you looking at him in the first place?" I giggle.

"Because he was looking at my best friend and if he made a move I wanted to be there for it." He said putting me down.

I hugged him and mumbled an 'I love you' (in a friend way) into his chest.

He laughed a little, hugging me back and whispered, "You might wanna let go, seems like somebody was watching us jealously from the window."

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