Gray x Reader ~ Followed?

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"Hey Mira can we talk?" I asked one of my good friends as I sat down at the bar.

Everyone had mostly gone home already but some people were still here.

Natsu and Happy were talking with Erza about something and Grey was sitting off to the side out of their conversation drinking whatever was in his cup.

"Yeah sure Y/N." Mira said cheerfully while smiling and cleaning some glasses with a rag.

"I think someone's following me home every night." I said to her.

"Oh. I didn't know that, how did you notice?" Mira asked setting the cup down and leaning herself on the counter with her hands.

"I don't know I just get this feeling I'm being followed and sometimes I see a shadow but when I ask who's there I never get a response." I said.

"Could I be going crazy Mira!?"

She smiled and nodded her head, "You could be just imaging it since you never really hear anything or get a response." she suggested.

"Yeah maybe you're right. Maybe it's just because it's dark out and I walk home alone at night."  I said as I set my cup down from finishing it.

"When your walking home tonight pay more attention and try and see if someone is following you, if someone is, go to my house or Lucy's or even Gray's." she said the last part in a whisper.

I looked over my shoulder to where Natsu and Erza and Gray were sitting and noticed Gray staring at me from over the top of his cup, I assume finishing it to the last drop.

I turned back to Mira while getting off the bar stool, "Thanks Mira," I said giving her a small smile,"And if anything happens I'll definitely go to your house or Lucy's." I said trying to push the thought of going to Gray's out.

Honestly it's not working because I have the biggest crush on him and when I saw that he had been looking at me over the top of his cup I'm sure I was blushing.

I finished grabbing my coat and said goodnight to everyone before leaving.

I put on my jacket because it was lightly raining out.

Mira's POV

As soon as Y/N left Gray got up and brought his cup to the counter and left it there.

I watched as he went to grab his coat and said, "Gray your shirt."

Gray mumbled something and went to grab his shirt somewhere near where he was sitting and said thanks to me on the way out.

Is he Y/N's stalker?

I wouldn't know because in a flash he was out the door and gone.

But what I didn't notice was that I didn't see Happy anywhere.

"Natsu where's Happy?" I asked him.

"Gray took him with him." Natsu said nonchalantly putting his arms behind his head and leaning back on his chair.

"You do know you guys don't like each other right?" I asked smiling and laughing a little.

"Don't go giving him ideas now Mira." Erza said trying to hold in a laugh.

"AW NOW WHY DO YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME MIRA!" Natsu said dramatically freaking out.

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