Gildarts x Reader ~ Fluff

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A/N~ This chapter is fluff

I threw an attack at Gildarts, which he dodged, of course. He sent one of his Crash Magic attacks at me, and I only had time to jump out of the way before it hit to tree behind me.When the cloud of dust and rock began to fade away, I sent one of my sneak attacks and it hit him.

"You're getting rusty old man." I said smirking in a teasing manner, while putting my hair up again.

He smirked back saying, "You know, I hate when you call me that." As he came closer to me, he pulled me to his chest my his hand on my waist.

I blushed. "You don't complain in bed."

"That's because you don't call me old man there." He was still smirking at me and I could feel me cheeks getting warmer. He leaned in next to my ear and whispered, "How about we quit the training for today and I show you how much of an 'old man' I am in bed?"

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