Lyon x Reader

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A/N~ I read an imagine like this once and I got the idea for it but it's not the same because I can't remember some of it.


(Your POV)

It's Christmas and the guilds decided that we were going to do a Secret Santa.

Each guild member would have 4 Secret Santa's, one from each guild.

From Fairytail I have Levy and my present to her is a series of books I saw her looking at the other day and she said, 'I love this series, though I've only read it once', so I thought it would be a good present for her.

From Blue Pegasus I have Eve and I got him a new tux jacket since his was ruined in one of his battles recently.

From Sabertooth I was lucky enough to get Lector. I got him a little jean vest, just his size and I think he's going to love it.

Lastly, from Lymia Scale I have Sherry. I got her a pretty cherry red dress and matching earrings that I think she'll like, I hope.

Your POV

I was making my way to the guild when it began to snow.

Great, I thought, the presents are going to get wet.

I walked a little bit faster so I would get to the guild before it could snow any harder when I saw Laxus outside.

"Hey Laxus, what's up?" I asked as I approached him by the door outside.

"Oh h-hey, can I ask you something?" Laxus said while looking a little nervous.

"Yeah sure." I said as I came to a stop across from him in front of the guilds doors.

"I'm one of Mira's Secret Santa's and I got her this bracelet that you push together to hook, with a lightening bolt on it and I don't know if she'll like it so I want another girls opinion other then Evergreens." Laxus said gesturing to the little bag in his hand.

"Honestly I think she'll love it." I said giving him a small smile.

"You think so?" he said looking at me with hope in his eyes even though he was trying to hide it.

"Yeah I definitely do." I said putting my hand on the door knob and turning around, "It's a really nice gift. Oh and confess to her will you."

"I-I'll try." he said looking nervous again.

"Good now let's go in." I said as we walked inside and were met with warm air and the smell of food.

I made my way over to an empty table saying a few 'Merry Christmas'-es here and there.

As I sat down I noticed a nervous looking Wendy nearby so I called her over to my table.

"Hey Wendy why do you look so nervous?" I asked as Mira came around with some hot chocolate. I waved her over and said,"Can we have two please Mira?"

"Sure thing Y/N." Mira said sweetly putting a cup in front of me and the other in front of Wendy.

"Thanks." I said smiling at her.

"Your welcome." Mira said smiling and walking away.

I turned back to the nervous Wendy and asked her again, "Why do you look so nervous love?"

"O-oh w-well I-I-I got Romeo as one of my people for the Secret Santa thing and I'm really nervous to give his present to him." she said taking a sip of her hot chocolate after, "Oh and thanks for the hot chocolate. Mira always makes them good."

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