
811 11 1

So. There we are. I'm in fucking prison now. Because of this fucking drug thing. I had a good situation, I was near the chief. And now I'm here, she thought.

Cassandra Bass was on the front of the prison, and behind her was a police officer. Her handcuffs were too tight. Cassandra Jade Bass was a beautiful redhead woman, classy. She always liked women more than men, and her lovely wavy body was just for them. She was wearing a dotted dress because she always wanted to look good even going to prison.

She is in a nightclub. Cassy sits at the bar. She looks at a woman in the distance, a blonde woman.

"Pretty sexy, huh?"

Cassandra turns quickly. A man faces her.

"Yeah, and you will not touch her, Mike, this one is mine.

- Ok, Ok Cass. Won't your girlfriend be jealous?

- We... We stopped seeing each other.

- What? You haven't told me that. Hey, it's not going to ruin my business I hope.

- Always caring if anyone's ok, man. No, it's okay, she took another part of it."

Mike goes to another woman he spotted early. Cassandra took the opportunity to head to the blonde.

They entered the prison. It was awful, but Cassy kept walking with a proud air until they enter in a room. There, a woman was waiting. She looked at her and said:

"So, what's your name ?

- I'm Cassandra Bass.

- So, Bass, you have kind of a lovely dress, but you are going to leave her. Get naked.

- What ?

- You heard me. Naked."

Cassandra gave her a bad look and then complied. The woman asked her some weird things, that she did. She ended with an orange prison outfit, it wasn't her colour, but she said nothing. She was even more upset when she saw that all the other prisoners were beige.

She entered a van. The woman who was driving turned.

"What's your name ?

- Bass.

- I am Morello. This is the first time you're here ?"

Cassandra mumbled a positive response, which made Morello turn back. They passed through several doors, then someone brought her out of the van. She looked up when she went out and saw women at the window. She proudly walked to the entrance as if to show them who she was.

The officer took her into a room with four bunk beds. Two white women were playing cards they had done themselves. An old woman who was probably Asian was reading a book. She looked up to the arrival of Cassandra. She says:

"Hey, look at that, a new one !"

The black-haired woman looked up, looked at her and said:

"Another rich bitch ? We've had enough with Chapman! What's your name?

- I'm not rich I just am classy. And I'm Bass." Cassandra replied.

"Well, Miss Classy, you will quickly calm down here. It's not you who makes the law."

Cassy mumbled insults and took her bed, above the one of the Asian.

"Counting !

- Count... What ?

- Just go to your bed and wait."

She did as the woman said. A cop came with a clicker and counted the inmates. He then left. Cassy was starting to turn when another one came. She sighed and turned around. It also counted all the prisoners then left.

"It's good now?

- Yeah, it's good reddie. You can go cry in your corner, replied the black-haired."

She looked up and then went on his bed The night was already there, she did not sleep, but she was not crying. She finally fell asleep and started dreaming.

A woman enters the room. Cassy looks at her as she approaches. She gets up to kiss her. She holds her waist and drives her towards the bed, where she makes her fall. The woman makes a little sound of contentment. Cassy leans over, kiss her neck, then slowly go down to her belly. The woman arched when Cassy moved lower.


Thank you for reading this first and short chapter (I'm sorry for that). I thought doing something that would be different to Vauseman classic stories would be great. So please let me know as the story goes how you feel about it :) And sorry for any grammar mistake, as English isn't my mother language.

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