Chapter 1

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"Well, the new one! Wake up!"

Cassandra opened her eyes. The Asian was staring at her.

"It's time to eat. So either you move your ass, or you not eat. The choice is yours.

- Yeah, I'm coming. Thank you for... for telling me this.

- You are making efforts ! Finally, you understand that you're not the best here."

Cassandra slowly got down from her bed. It was so uncomfortable. She found the cafeteria after about five minutes. She went to queue to wait her turn. She has been served by latinas who loudly discussing.

She turned around with her tray. Where would she get? She spotted the Asian and walked toward her. She looked at her then made the gesture of sitting.

"What's your name by the way ?

- Akeno. So what did you do to be there ?

- Drug. You?

- I killed my boyfriend. He started to be boring. "

Cassandra looked at her, shocked.

I'll have to live surrounded by madwomen. What is this prison?

She finished quickly and then got up to leave the table. She walked out. The cop looked at her. She went to get a towel and headed for the showers. Upon arriving, she saw two women who were kissing in a corner. She ignored them and went to wash.

When she came out of the shower, the last woman who was with her saw her and walked toward her.

"Hey, Bass. The counsellor wants to see you.

- Why ?

- You think he told me? Girl, go and that's it."

Cassandra was not even time to ask where the counsellor was. She found him after ten minutes. She entered his office. He was there and she read his name on the label.

Healy. Wow. I feel it will be okay.

"Miss Bass. You're late.

- I, I got lost.

- Yeah, that's it. Well, I have no time to lose. You have a bunk. The person outside will take you there.

- A bunk?

- You will be there with other white women, thankfully. We try to not mix people of different colours.

- Mhh...

- You can go.

- That's all ?

- What did you expect ? Out now."

She got up and went out. A woman was waiting outside. She told her to get her things, and followed her to the room.

After packing what she had, she followed the policewoman. She arrived in a big bunk as Healy had said. The police went to a box.

Upon arriving, she saw a woman with a curly brown hair mass. She looked up at his arrival and whistled.

"What did you bring me here, Bell?

- It's your new fellow, Nichols." replied the woman called Bell.

"Mhhh, You're improving. Good."

Cassandra did not understand everything, but threw her things on her bed with a casual gesture and sat there.

"So, what's your name, sweetheart?" asked Nichols.

"Bass, Cassandra.

- You're not a talking girl, aren't ya ?

- They're just stupid, I don't open my mouth to talk to someone who does not understand what I'm talking about.

- I so understand you, baby. Do not worry.

- Obviously... Nichols, right?

- Yeah, call me Nicky. Why are you here ?

- Drugs."

Nicky gave her a big smile and then refocused on her occupation. Cassy had noticed immediately that she was a lesbian, it felt about ten meters around. She got comfy on her bed and began to daydream.

She is a little girl. A boy stands in front of her.

"Cass" he says. "I'm home, thank you for accompanying me.

- No problem, James. I am protecting you."

Cassandra has always been a resourceful girl. His mother and father worked for big companies, and she occasionally saw them. They paid her what she wanted, but she was looking for love, that can not be bought.


She turns at the voice of Laura, her childhood friend.

"Laura. Hi.

- I was passing by. Do you want to go play outside ?

- I can't but come to my house if you want.

- My Mom asked me to stay outside, but come to the park, we're there !

- I'll see."

Cassy preferred to be alone, to think. She had always had an edge on these comrades, who were completely stupid.


Cassandra recognised the gravelly voice of her fellow prisoner. When she opened her eyes, Nichols was standing over her. Her hair was falling over her face. She stared a cold look, then smiled. Cassy knew her intentions, and she was not insensitive to this woman.

She gently pushed her, then asked:


- It's time to eat.

- Okay, thank you, Nicky"

She stood up, leaving her a kiss on the cheek. Nichols looked away, dazed. She walked to the canteen, followed closely by Nichols. She took something to eat, then they went to sit. A woman with brown short hair came and sat beside her.

"Who's that? she asked. Oh, You're the new one !

- You know each other ?" asked Nicky

"Kind of. I drove her here."

Cassandra glanced at Morello stealthily. She saw that she had makeup, and resolved to ask her how to get it.

"Where are Vanilla and Chocolate ?" Nichols continued.

"Guess where." said Morello.

It certainly spoke about two girls who were fucking somewhere, but that does not interest her more than that.

"Ah, here they are."

She raised her head to look at the entrance to the cafeteria. A blonde woman arrived, closely followed by a tall woman with black hair and glasses of the same colour.


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