Chapter 10

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Alex stood up. She had not slept for two days, too frightened by Cassandra. She had been avoiding her successfully since she had spoken to her. Fortunately, she seemed too busy running the world to look for Alex.

She had also tried to talk to Piper several times yesterday. But every time, she avoided her. And when she had come to Piper's box, she had told her that she had repudiated her. And she was right. Alex had reacted on a whim. And it was going to cost her dearly.

She went to the laundry while no one was up. She passed in front of Piper's box. She was sleeping peacefully. Alex had always loved watching Piper sleep, she seemed angelic. She went to the showers, with a sad smile. She had screwed up everything, she was sure of it.

She went out of the shower without meeting anyone.

She then sat down under her favorite tree. She let her mind wander until she had to work.

Piper is sleeping in the bed. Alex is already standing. She gets closer to Piper and caresses her cheek.

"Pipes, babe, we have to go out and fly."

Piper mumbles in his sleep. Alex approaches, turns her on his back and kisses her. That opens Piper's eyes.

"I love your awakening, Al." She said, drawing him to her.

"Me too, but we must leave.

- That is true."

They are still in Paris. Alex opens the curtains as Piper gets up. She prepares quickly and takes her suitcase. They take a taxi to the airport.

Alex opened then her eyes. Without eating, she went to the laundry.

At the end of the day, she finds herself alone in the laundery. She was about to go out, when she ran into ... Cassandra.

Oh no.

Alex wanted to run, but she could not. Cassandra blocked the only exit. She looked at Alex and approached her.

"Sweetie, I knew you ended up working now and all alone, so I figured ..."

Alex froze. She knew exactly what she had said to herself. She gathered her courage and said:

"Cassandra, I want you to stop, and I want you to talk to me.

- Oh oh oh. It does not work like that. Come on, Alex."

She stroked her cheek. Alex backed away.

"No !" She cried. "Leave me alone !"

Cassandra stopped shortly. She looked at Alex.

"It's not you who choose... Babe."

She approached dangerously from Alex. Automatically, she raised her hands in defense. She had slapped Cassandra.

Shit. Shit.

Cassandra put her hand on her cheek, then raised her head. Her gaze had turned black.

"Cassandra, I did not want to ..."

Cassandra pushed Alex against the wall.

"Shut up !" She cried.

She looked up at Alex.

"How ... How did you dare?"

Alex saw the wrath in her eyes. She wanted to leave far, run, go and take refuge with Piper ... Everything except to find herself here. Cassandra held her so hard she could not move. Alex could not scream. What would it do, apart from getting into trouble? Before she could think more, she felt a dazzling pain in the right side of her stomach.

Cassandra had punched her with all her strength. She let go of Alex, who fell to the ground. She could see nothing except the immense pain in her belly. She couldn't move. Cassandra then gave her another powerful kick. Alex screamed, then held her ribs. She waited for a third blow, which did not come.

When she raised her head, Cassandra was above her. She smiled at her and then left. Alex sat on the floor. She was in pain, but could not do anything about it. She was also afraid of Cassandra. Really.

She stood up after what seemed to her an eternity. She let out a grunt. Her vision cleared and she headed for her box. She didn't want to eat. Just sleep. But she could not. She was afraid that Cassandra would kill her during the night. She had seemed so furious.

She's crazy. Really. She is mad at me and now want to see me dead. How am I going to do ?

She had to talk to someone immediately. And the only people she could talk to... did not want to see her. Neither Nicky, nor Lorna, nor even Red. She was alone. And wanted to talk to Piper. To be forgiven. Over all.

Alex arrives at the airport with Piper. They pay the taxi and then go inside. After a brief glance at the board announcing the flights, they register their suitcase and pass the customs.

A man keeps watching Piper. It annoys Alex, who takes the lead of Piper, surprised, and kisses her. Piper deepens the kiss quickly, then pulls away from Alex's lips, breathless.

"What was that ?

- A guy did not stop watching you. So I kindly showed him that you were with me. "

Piper looks at the man in question. His face is priceless. She turns to Alex, kisses her quickly and then laughs. Alex starts to laugh heartily with her.

They go to a shop for coffee. They then sit down at a table to drink it. Piper grab Alex's hand.

"Al, this trip was really good. I never really went out of America, and...

- Pipes, shh, I love you."

Piper smile. Alex puts her lips tenderly on hers.

"Me too, Al. I love you, whatever happens."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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