Chapter 3

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"Alex, Alex! Wake up."

Piper was shaking Alex.

"What? Pipes, it's almost two in the morning!

- Come, I want to do... things."

Alex opened her eyes. What she did not know was that Piper was jealous, and not just a little. She took her into the church. While Alex turned Piper looked at her and asked:

"Who is this girl ?

- Cassandra? It has become a friend.

- What do you mean ? That fast ?

- Well yes ? Why ?

- I dunno."

But she knew very well. She did not like Bass, not at all. She got too close to Alex for her. And had some... things Alex liked. Which made her doubt.

Despite this, she approached Alex. She kissed her. Alex did not resist at all.


- Nothing, said Alex. You woke me up at two, Pipes. Come here."

Alex pulled her towards her to kiss her. She began to run down her body, but Piper stopped her.

"Al, I want to...

- To ?

- I'll make you come this time.

- Oh, what a turnaround!

- Shut up and let me do it."

She pushed Alex against the edge of the stage, and she fell on the back. Piper kissed her neck, then her belly, then got down. Alex arched.


Piper was lying next to Alex.

"Then, she asked, how was it?

- I loved it, Pipes. Thank you."

Despite this, Alex seemed upset.

"What's that face, Al?

- Pipes, are you... Are you jealous because I talk to Cassandra?

- No ! Of course not !"

Alex stared at her.


- Damn, Piper! I talk with her, that's all. Maybe I like her, so what? You leave, you come back, you leave again ... How am I supposed to build my life on that? I'll tell you: I can't. So you know what? I try to live when you leave, and that means I could meet somebody else. So if you're so jealous, stay with me for once!"

Alex went away before Piper could answer anything.

What ? This is my problem, and she gets angry at me ? She's cheating on me, and I'm the problem? She can go to hell!

She sat on the edge of the stage. She thought back to the day she left Alex.

It was horrible, it's true, but still, she was here now, so why was Alex off again?

It was three o'clock when she returned to her box. She was going to bed when a voice asked:

"Where were you, Chapman?"

It was Red. Piper did not answer, and soon fell asleep, despite what had happened.

Alex is with her in a hotel room.

"Alex, it's so beautiful! Look at that!

- For me, what matters is being with you Pipes. Thank you for accompanying me."

They are in Paris. They come out of the hotel, a luxurious one. They walk along the "Champ de Mars" while holding hands. They find a bench and sit there.

"Alex, I love you so much.

- I love you too Pipes."

Piper thinks of her mother and what she would say to her: "You know, Piper, you can not spend your life with a woman. How can I have grandchildren after that ?" She did not care about it. The children weren't her priority, and she really liked Alex. She never thought of having a girlfriend one day, but it happened. And she had not met the first coming, she fell in love on this beautiful woman.

She leans over her and kisses her. Several bystanders let a wierd gaze, but she does not care.

"Alex? Do you have time now ?

- Yes, I have nothing scheduled until tomorrow.

- What if we visit the Eiffel Tower?

- Oh, why not Pipes."

They head to the Eiffel Tower, and go up within an hour. Alex takes Piper's hand to the last step and leads her to the edge, where you can see all of Paris. She tightens her hands around the Piper size by leaving her observe.

"Oh my god, Alex, it's wonderful! Tell me, she asks, turning, why me?"

She is now facing Alex, twenty centimeters away from her mouth.

"Pipes, I hope you're joking.

-Al, I know, you never really said it, and in this bar, you knew that I wasn't... You could stay with your friends ... Instead of come and see me.

-I had mercy on you, perhaps, she replied, laughing."

Piper gives her a look. Alex takes Piper's chin in her hand, looked into her eyes and said:

"Pipes, I knew very well that you weren't lesbian, but when I saw you, I felt something. And believe me, I do not say this to everyone. Besides, I do have never told that to anyone. I felt that something I still feel now, and each time I see you. Maybe it's not your case, but I found my manipulative bourgeois self-centered. And that's you Pipes."

She pauses, then puts her glasses on her head and frowns.

"It was very... romantic. I... uh... that was weird, really. Sorry Pipes, I don't know what happened.

"No, Alex, it was... beautiful. Like really. I'm... touched. I...

-Shh... "

Piper do not have time to finish her sentence as Alex's lips are on hers. She closes her eyes and murmur "Alex..."

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