Chapter 7

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Alex was in her bunk, she was reading a book Cassy lent her. Hearing someone coming, she lifted her head and rose an eyebrow seeing Piper.

"Alex. I have to talk to you. Follow me. Please."

Alex stood up, wondering what Piper wanted. She followed her to the laundry, empty that day. She looked at Piper's eyes. She looked at her and said:

"Are you okay ?"

This surprised Alex. Piper probably was not there to ask her how she was going, but she understood what she was doing. She was first calming down and would then ask about what she wanted to talk about. She knew her too well to know how it worked.

"I'm fine, thank you. What about you ?

- In a way, yes. The name of Cassandra Bass...

- Wait, I hope you didn't got me here just to express your jealousy, because in this case, I'm leaving."

Piper was really starting to annoy her with her infinite jealousy.

"No... I... You'll maybe not like it, but I asked my brother to look at who was Cassandra Bass because that name was telling me something.

- So what ?

- And now only after he has given me the context, I reminded.

- So...

- Al, this girl was your first girlfriend."

Something unblocked in Alex's head.

Of course, Cass, who was with me. I remember now.

She had a brief moment of relaxation, remembering.

"Alex? Get up."

Alex turns. Cassandra is standing there. She bends down to kiss Alex.

"I have to go, Alex."

This made Alex wake up completely. She remembered that Cass had told her she had to leave the next day. She went up and quickly washed her. When she came out of the shower, Cass was waiting with her suitcase.

"Do you wanna come with me to the airport? Cassandra asked.

- Yeah, why not." she said, approaching Cassandra.

She kissed her quickly and then they went out.

Alex came back to reality. She saw Piper, waiting for an answer. She was going to say something, like "So what ?"

But suddenly something went into her head.

But ... She seached into my life and Cassy's. It means she is jealous, very jealous ! She... I do what I want, fuck !

"Piper. That means you have searched in my life, right?

- Yes, but...

- Stop it, Piper ! You really are too jealous, and it make me crazy ! You have to do something to show that you care about me ! I am not your slave ! I do what I want in my life, and you have in any case the right to search it !

- Alex, if you left her, that's for a reason...

- I don't want to hear nothing more. Piper, do not just talk to me, I need a break.

- Al...

- Do not fucking talk to me again !"

Alex had shouted these words. She quickly left the lingerie to go to her bunk. Arriving there, she saw it empty, fortunately. She sat on her bed and start thinking about what happened.

It's true, why did I left her ? She had become too intrusive, and took me as a underling. She did not like me for who I was, I was her toy. Maybe she has changed ? And she also forgot who I was ? Or... she knows it but why would she hide it ?

Too many questions raced through Alex's mind. Then she could not help thinking about Piper.

If Cassandra knows and hid me that, she just became mad, and Piper was right. She wanted to protect me.

Alex's head started to hurt. She decided to leave it for tonight. She was not hungry, and slept immediately.

She's on the top of the Eiffel Tower with Piper. She look at her and say:

"Are you convinced now Pipes ?

- Yes, here I am."

She blushes. Alex asks her if she is hungry, because she was very hungry. She nod, and they go down the steps to the speed of the tourists before them.

Once they are down, Alex take Piper to the subway. She knows exactly where she wants to go, and should almost strongly take Piper's hand because she was observing all she could see. She took the metro to "Abbesses". Piper ask :

"Where are we going ?

- You'll see," reply Alex.

They go to the stop, then walk towards the "Louise Michel" square. Piper looks it. Alex looked at her and explained:

"Here's the "Square Louise Michel", and while the top is the Sacré-Cœur." she said, taking a French accent. "We will go up to eat at the top. This is another view of Paris."

They ride along the square, Alex behind Piper. Coming up, Alex takes Piper's hand. She leads her to a restaurant close to the "Sacré-Cœur". They sit and order food. Alex looks at Piper and say:

"Look how well we see Paris from here, Pipes.

- It's wonderful, Al, really."

We could see another Paris and the Eiffel Tower in the distance. They eat quietly, then descend a bit to sit in the grass. Alex takes Piper in her arms. She looks at her and says:

"Al, really. I can not say enough to thank you for everything...

- I know how. Stay with me, it will suffice as a thank you."

Piper smiled and then kissed her.

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