Chapter 5

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Piper's day had seemed so long she thought she had spent a year instead. When she sat down to eat, Nicky looked at her and said:

"Where is Vause ?"

That's true. Where could she...

She went suddenly into a fury mood. She knew very well where Alex was, at least with who she was. And she guessed what they were doing, because she knew a frustrated or angry Alex does not really think before doing something she could regret later.

"Hey, Chapman. Calm down, or you'll get a shot."

It was Nicky. When she looked at her right hand, she saw her glass. Broken.

"Tell someone about what happens, Chapman. You become violent these days..."

Tell... what, this... bitch? She had certainly not want to talk about, especially since she was sure to know that name. And to whom? Anyway...

She suddently stopped. She had found an idea. She was going to call Cal, and ask him to search about Bass. Piper had a very good memory, which could be as much positive than not. She remembered more or less all the names she had heard, and she remembered hearing "Bass", but without knowing who told her this and when. With the background idea she could possibly get her memory back.

She went to bed thinking about calling Cal.

She is lying on the couch with Alex. Alex kissel her before getting up.

"Alex! Where are you going?

- I'll get something to drink. I think now you're thirsty." she replied with a charming smile.

Piper blushed. It's true that after what had happened, she was thirsty, and was very thirsty. She really hesitated to come, but it had been worth it. The only question that came arose was: Why did I enjoy that? She thought she was straight. But it was different with Alex.

Alex returns with two glass of water. Piper almost take the glass of her hand and drink it. Alex laugh and say:

"I made you thirsy as much as that ?

- It was... intense. And all new to me. I had never..."

Alex puts a finger to her lips, telling her that she understood. She then bends to kiss her again. Piper kisses her back, but Alex get up.

"Where... where are you going ?

- I have to work a little, Piper. You can stay, make yourself at home." Alex replied, going to her room.

Piper gets up, goes to the bathroom, then sits on the couch again. There she falls asleep.

She awoke suddenly, hoping that no one had seen or heard anything, because she knew she had sometimes tend to speak in her dreams. She looked at the opposite bed, Red was not there. She then got up and went to shower. She saw neither Alex nor Bass.

Then she came out of the shower, she saw Morello. She greeted her, and Piper asked where Nicky was. She said she was at the electrical workshop and asked her why she was still there. Piper looked at the clock.


No one was in the hallway, just because it was already time for work. She ran to the workshop, and came in out of breath. Luscheck looked up when he saw her.

"Inmate, you're late!"

Piper apologized and went to a workbench. Her working day passed as normally as possible, until the door opens, showing Healy, followed closely by... Cassandra.

Please don't tell me...

"I take this inmate here to work. This is the only thing's left."

Luscheck rose, delighted. Nicky turned to look at Piper, which seemed to fulminate.

Damn, she has a knack for following me, this one. I'm sure she did it on purpose.

Nicky put her hand on her shoulder, telling her to stay calm. Cassandra entered, followed by Luscheck, who took the opportunity to check her.

While avoiding Bass, Piper ends her workday and walked to the phone. She quickly dialed Cal number. It was Neri who answered.

"Hi! Is Cal there ?

- He's out, he is hunting chickens. Do you want me to call him ?

- Yeah, thanks.

- Two seconds please."

She left the phone, and a minute later, the Cal took it.

"Piper ! Are you okay?

- Sort of.

- What do you mean ?

- I ... I need a favor, she said, not answering his question.

- Tell me.

- You could do a search on... Cassandra Bass ? Why she came in prison, her past, and if she has any connection with... Alexandra Vause.

- Okay. I'll tell you that when I'll come to see you after tomorrow.

- Thanks Cal.

- You'll give me something back for this Piper. See ya." he said, hanging up.

Piper had always liked Cal. He did not ask too many questions, just the minimum.

She walked to the canteen. After taking her tray, she turned to see where Nicky was. She was sitting at a table with Morello, Alex and... Bass.

She chose to go anyway to eat with them, and she had to sit in front of Bass. She looked at her, then looked at Alex's plate. Seeing that she had finished, she whispered something in her ear. Alex laughed, then shaked her head. They rose together and Cassandra gave Piper a look as if to say: "She's mine now".

When they were away, Nicky, who was staring at her, said:

"You know Chapman, your eyes will not be able to kill her.

- No, but you saw that? said Piper furiously.

- Yes she's maybe exaggerating, and Alex does not care a bit."

Piper was in tears. She quickly left the table and went to her bunk. She collapsed on her bed, Red looked up and frowned.

"What is happening Chapman?

- Nothing.

- There's something, she said, rising up, and you're gonna tell me what it is."

Piper looked up, sniffed and said:

"That's... this Cassandra. She's playing with Alex, and I can't do anything...

- I'm sorry I can not starve her, said Red. She looks rather horrible, and thinks she's over the world."

What she said made Piper smile, and she fell asleep, exhausted by everything that was happening.

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