Chapter 6

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Two days later

Piper wakes up on a couch. Alex's one. It passed about half an hour since she had told her she was going to work. Piper decreed that it was quite enough, so she gets up and goes to Alex's room. The door is open. She enters quietly, looking around her.

It's a simply decorated room with a big bed in the center. Alex is sitting at her desk on the right side. Piper approaches her and then just put her hands on her shoulders. Alex jumps and turns. They are now facing each other. Piper sits on Alex's legs. She smiled, then pulls her to kiss her. Piper deepens the kiss, which becomes increasingly intense.

Alex take gently lay her while continuing to kiss her.

"You feared me, Piper.

- For once...

- You don't know how you make me freak out every time I see you...

- What ?" Piper answers pretend being unhappy. "I'm that bad ?

- No, Piper, it's me, I feel that I'll do something crazy that will leave me completely dumb in front of you."

Piper laughed heartily. She brought Alex to kiss her and then he whispered:

"I like when you do crazy things, Alex."

Alex looked at her, smiling mischievously, then continued to kiss her down along her body.

Piper groans.


Piper woke up hearing Red's voicee.

"You were talking in your sleep. You look better." she said, smiling slightly.

Shit. What did I say in my sleep?

She thanked Red and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. The day before, she had not see Alex for the day, which  worried her and annoyed her at the same time. She came out of the shower, dreamy, and she nearly run into Alex. They looked at each other without saying anything, then Alex went towards the shower.

Alex... thought Piper sadly.

She went to eat thinking that Cal would enlighten her later. She sat at the table where was Nicky. Discussions were underway. Nicky looked at her and said:

"Red told me you were talking at night?

- Oh ! But...

- What was your dream about, Chapman? "

Piper blushed.

"Got it !" Morello said. "She dreamed about Alex !

- Yeah, it's that ! You really love her, right ?

- Yeah, but there's Bass. Looks like she has bewitched her ! She barely gave me a look this morning...

- Well you know what? All of us, we're with you. Vause and her girlfriend will have to manage that alone. Besides Bass became the new darling of Luscheck, and I do not accept it."

Piper laughed and looked at everyone around the table, they approved. It warmed her heart.

At least I'm not alone, she thought.

After eating, she got up to go to the visitation room. She saw Cal and Neri. She walked towards them with a smile, but lost it quickly by seeing their expression. She sat in front of them.

"Cal. Neri. Hi!

- Hi Piper, Cal replied.

- How are our parents going ?"

Cal looked relieved. Perhaps he imagined that Piper had forgotten, but no. She was waiting a bit before asking the question.

"Mom is always the same, and Dad begins to become more and more boring."

Piper laughed. After talking a while she leaned over and put the dreaded question.

"So? You know who is that Bass?

- Well, Cal said, she was arrested for drug trafficking, a few months later. After the trial, she was sentenced to 4 years."

Shit. 4 years...

- And what about her past?

- She was born into a wealthy family, but immediately began to lead everyone, and as she could not do this at home, she found a cartel, and has quickly become important.

- And the relationship with Alex... ? "

Cal looked at Neri then Piper. He said hesitantly:

- We... we found nothing.

- Sure, and I'm Santa. Cal, I see perfectly when you lie. You found something, and you know I'll not like it, so you don't want to say it.

- I'd rather not.

- Cal...

- Bass was... She was...

- She was ? she asked with a urgent tone.

- She was at a time...

- Cal !" she nearly shouted, wanting the answer.

He took a deep breath and said in a small voice:

"Her girlfriend.

- SORRY ?"

But she understood very well. ... This bitch was her girlfriend? Everything suddenly came back to her.

"Tell me Alex, how many girls have you had before me?

- Two, I think, Piper, Alex replied, laughing. "

They are on Alex's bed.


- Yeah, on was called... Bass, and I think she's still around here...

- Mhh, it might make me jealous...

- Piper...

- I prefer Pipes.

- Well, Pipes, first, I'd rather not talk about it, and secondly, you do not have to worry. "

She leaned over to kiss her.

"Hem, Piper ?"

She came back to reality, slapped on the table and rose up.

"Inmate ! Calm down."

Piper did not even turn around.

"Cal, Neri, See you soon.

- Piper... Wait...

- I have to go now to settle this."

Cal watched her go. Piper walked briskly towards the Alex's cube.

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