Chapter 9

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Piper stood up. She greeted Red, then headed to the shower. She then walked to the cafeteria. She took her tray and sat at a table. Nicky joined her soon after, followed by Morello and Big Boo.

"Hey, how are ya, Chapman ?" asked Nicky

"Great, I slept well.

- It does not seem to be the case with your girlfriend." announced Big Boo while watching the cafeteria entrance.

Piper looked up. Alex was there, and she seemed to have slept badly, if at all. But she seemed too panicked.

I wonder if...

Piper stopped her thoughts. She is no longer with Alex now, she told her to go to hell, and that's what she would do.

After a lively discussion, Nicky and Piper walked together to the electrical shop. While the outward door was closing, Piper saw Alex walking toward her. She took Nicky's hand and walked quickly to the workshop.

"Wow, Chapman your seduction technique is a little violent, right?" Nicky said with surprise.

"Shut up. I just want not to be late."

She wanted above all not to talk to Alex. They arrived at the workshop and saw Cassandra was already there. She was gently speaking to Luscheck while smiling at him. He seemed thrilled.

Nicky pretended to vomit, which made Piper laugh. When twelve o'clock came, they took their sandwich and went to sit, taking care to push, Cassandra when passing.

"Hey !" She said, "Be careful!"

"Excuse me," said Nicky, "Your big head was in the way."

Piper smiled and they went to sit down. They took the only available table. Cassandra came to sit, but Piper stopped her.

"You can't sit down.

- Oh, and why?

- This bench does not accept girlfriends' thieves."

Nicky then put her legs on the bench, taking the place where Cassandra wanted to sit. She looked up and went to find another corner.

"Well then Chapman," began Nicky "do ya finally know who she was reminding you ?

- Yeah, she was Alex's girlfriend.

- Oh shit ! So what ?

- I said that to Alex. She took it really badly and told me to go to hell."

Nicky raised her eyebrows. They ate and then went back to work. At the end of the day, Nicky left Piper to go talk to Red.

Piper came to her box and laid down. She took her dirty clothes. Without thinking, she went to the lingerie to give them.

She suddenly stopped when she arrived, seeing black hairs moving quickly in front of her. She had forgotten that Alex worked in the lingerie.

She chose to go anyway drop her laundry, watching Alex with the corner of the eyes. She seemed alerted despite her fatigue as if she was afraid of something.

Or someone.

Piper cleared her thoughts and went to give her clothes. As she was leaving, Alex called her. She did not turn around and walked straight to her bunk.

As she sat on her bed, Alex came.

"Piper!" She said, "Did you not hear me?"

Piper did not answer, she took a book and continued reading.

"Piper, please."

She looked up. Alex had approached. She seemed really tired. She had dark circles and whiter skin than usual.

Piper looked at her a moment, then quietly said:

"Alex, you kindly told me to go to hell, and not to talk to me, now I'm doing it. So hold your words and made a "pause". Now let me go.

- Pipes..."

Piper was standing up now. She came out of her bunk and walked to the cafeteria without throwing a glance at an astonished Alex.

She took a tray and sat down at Nicky's table. Morello looked up and said, pointing to Nicky with her fork:

"You know, it's not very nice to do that to Cassandra. She is certainly very..."

Nicky stopped her.

"Very nothing. She deserves it, that's all."

Lorna was always trying to see the positive in everyone, and it was wonderful, but Cassandra was nothing positive. She even seemed to be evil. Big Boo talked and that made Piper came out of her thoughts.

"Speaking of which, I saw Vause came to see you. Nothing important?

- No, she was trying to talk me," Piper began. "Why ?

- I don't know, she almost looked panicked...

- Possible".

I should perhaps let her talk. She seemed really lost, that's not her. She is so confident...

Piper took her tray and left. She sat against a tree in the yard and started daydreaming.

Alex is looking at her.

"Piper, I'm going on a trip...

- No, Al! I will not be able to see you for a long time and...

- Let me finish. I wanted you to come with me."

Piper's eyes light up. Alex asked her to go with her, really ? She sees Alex looking at her, waiting for a response. Piper approached and kissed her.

"That means yes, I guess," Alex said, smiling.

Piper opened her eyes. It was raining. She returned quickly. Arrived in her box, Red looked at her and then said:

"You're soaked! I advise you to change your clothes to avoid getting sick."

Piper did as she said.

"Ah. And your girlfriend came here before, I told her to leave quickly.

- Who ... Alex?

- Vause, yes. She wanted to talk to you."

Again ? It must be important, but ...

She had made her choice. Piper would not speak to her, and that's it.

She fell asleep that night, avoiding thinking of Alex.

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