Chapter 8

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Alex woke up. She was in her box, and not with Piper. She got up looking around her. It was near seven o'clock, because most of the girls were still sleeping, which was normal for a Sunday. Unable to go back to sleep, she got up to go wash. She met Nicky, and was thinking to greet her, but she passed near her without looking.

What did I do wrong ?

After leaving the shower, she dried off and got dressed. She then went to the cafeteria. She saw Cassandra at the entrance.

"Hi, she said.

- Hey. I would like to talk to you after meal. At the chapel."

Cassy, ​​probably thinking something else, flashed a smile. They took their tray then went to Nicky's table. As they were sitting, Big Boo arrived.

"Everything is taken, sorry.

- But," began Alex, "there are still places...

- I said it's full. Find you another table."

Alex and Cassandra headed to a table at the bottom.

I was right, something is... Piper.

Nicky had surely sided with Piper. If that were the case, and Morello, Red and Big Boo too. But she was with Cassandra, and she was sure that after she have asked if she remembered her, she would tell her no and everything would go well.

"Why do they act like that? asked Cassy.

- I dunno... said vaguely Alex.

- We do not need them."

Alex did not think the same thing, but she did not say anything. Suddenly she looked up. Piper was sitting at Nicky's table. They spoke warmly then suddenly approached. Big Boo said something, then they glanced at Alex's table. She turned and laughed together after Nicky had imitated Alex's face after what Big Boo responded.

That's not good... Alex tought. I must rule it quickly.

When Cassandra had finished eating, Alex asked her to follow her. They arrived at the chapel. Cassy looked at Alex and then approached her.

"No, Alex said.

- It's not what you wanted to do ?

- No, I asked you to come to talk. "

Cassandra raised an eyebrow.

Cassandra's P.O.V

Was it possible she had discovered... no. How could she...

"Tell me, then. What is happening, Alex?

- Is there a moment in your past you can't remember ?

- No, I remember everything I've done since I was 10.

- So you remember me?"

Shit. She knew. How ? Who reminded her ?

"Yes." She said finally.

Alex looked surprised.

"Why did not you tell me, Cassandra?"

But she did not answer and looked down. Something was drawing in her mind. She did not wanted to lose Alex, she wanted to keep her for herself, lock her forever as punishment for what she had done to her. It had been so long, and she did not want it to stop. Then she thought of Chapman.

"Cassandra. Why did not you tell me?"

Alex's P.O.V

Cassandra looked up. She had an almost evil grin. Alex was starting to freak out. Seriously.

"Uh ... Cassandra?"

She stared at Alex, then cocked her head.

"Alexandra. I'll call you like that now. You apparently remember me. I also remember you. As soon as I've reviewed here. I wanted to see if you recognize me. You've taken time, and I imagine that you have been helped. By whom ? Chapman ? That's what I thought." She said, seeing the look of Alex.

"What did she say ? That I was crazy ? And you believed her ?"

She moved to Alex's left side.

"You know Alex, I always believed in fate. In punishment too. The evil is punished with evil. When you left me when Jack died, I felt something huge. It almost killed me. I've cursed you often. But before I could do anything, someone else did. The destiny through your wonderful girlfriend."

She let flow ten seconds. Alex immediately saw Piper and knew what Cassandra was going to say.

"She left you when your mother just died. A coincidence ? No. It's destiny, who has done its work. He has made you the evil you had done to me. And I will not feel sorry for you, I'm pretty happy. That's the end for you, Alex."

She smiled. Alex felt rising fury. Her mother's death was a good thing ?

She... couldn't... say that.

But before she could do anything, Cassandra approached, kissed her quickly and then left saying :

"You're mine, Alexandra. Good luck."

Alex stood there.

My God. Piper was right. She is fucking mad. And I stayed with her. I should listen to Piper and tell her...

But she remembered that she was alone now. That would not go as planned. Cassandra was crazy, and Piper had leagued all those she knew against her. She was alone. She returned to her bunk, and remained there for the rest of the day without eating. She thought about what she could do, without finding anything.

She had trouble sleeping that night, afraid of Cassandra.

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