Chapter 4

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Alex woke up. She hadn't slept well because she could not help thinking of Piper. And her jealousy which broke records. It's true she spoke to Cassandra, but since when it had become a crime? She did what she wanted, and it was not Piper that would dictate her life. Surely not.

After taking a shower without thinking of Piper -fortunately- she walked to the cafeteria thinking of Cassandra.

It's true that this girl have something. I... I was sure I've seen her before. My memory fails me those times... Back to Cassy.

It was true that Alex liked beautiful women, and Cassandra, with her hair of fire and her eyed pleased her... She was also very friendly and open. And she was...

She raced against someone, which made her out of her reverie. By chance, it was Cassandra.

"Alex. Hi, she said smiling.

- Oh, Cassandra. Hey.

- You are blushing. Are you okay ?"

She WHAT? She almost never blushed. She quickly went to the table where Nicky was sitting, along with other girls, and Piper, who had seen the whole scene. She stared at Alex with what seemed all the rage in the world, then took her tray not giving her a look and ran furiousy out of the cafeteria.

"Oh, Vause, it looks like there is something weird between you and Chapman. She would not tell me anything. But you're going to tell me, don't you ? says Nicky.

- It's all fine, thank you.

-We saw how you looked at Bass, said Morello.

-I told you that there is nothing.

-I got it ! Nicky said suddenly. You you interested in Bass and Chapman does not support it."

"It's that obvious?" Alex thought blushing.

"Well done Nicky! Look how she blushed!

- Well, I understand you Vause. She has a nice ass, and a certainly wonderful...

-That's enough !" Alex almost shouted.

She rose without eating anything, then left the cafeteria. But before she could she got stopped.

Oh no.

"Vause, calm down if we do not want a shot. Understood ?"

She mumbled a response and then went to the laundry. When she arrived, Pensatucky looked at her and said:

"Well then, Vause? It's not enough to be full-time lesbian? You need a second... Biatch ?"

She barely had time to finish her sentence that Alex had taken her against the wall.

"You'll shut the fuck up right away, if you do not want me to take you too as a third one."

She released her just before Healy came in. Pensatucky breathed with difficulty, then followed Healy that had asked her to.

Alex was now alone in her thoughts.

The doorbell ring. Forgetting she wears only a shirt and panties, Alex opens the door. On the landing is Piper.

"Piper. Uh ... Hi."

She feels this strange feeling inside her. She blushes for what she thinks is the first time in her life.

"Alex. Uh ... You told me to come one of these days and I... was in the neighborhood, and I thought "Why not ?". But I should have warned you maybe.

- No, no it's fine. Come in."

Alex brings Piper in the living room and told her to sit on the couch and wait. She goes to her room, closes the door and then drops on her bed.

My God. She came back. But I know she's straight. So why ?

Alex takes the first piece of cloth that comes, a short black skirt. She then returned to the living room. Piper is  observing her apartment.

"I ... Do you want something to drink? she said quickly.

- It's okay for now, thank you."

Alex details her. She has a blue dress, which matches her beautiful eyes. Alex sits next to her in an awkward silence. After a few minutes, Alex breaks the silence.

"So, you found a job?

- Not yet. Nobody wants me." she said, smiling.

If you knew how bad I want you...

"Tell me, do you really work for an international drugs cartel ?

- Wait, you didn't believe me?

- At the same time I don't know many people who work for a cartel.

- Good point." Alex replied, laughing.

They talked a bit, but the subjects fade quickly.

"Why are you here Piper?"

Shit. She spoke aloud. Piper turns to her to look into her eyes. A huge sexual tension is now present between the two women. Her face is only 30 centimeters from Alex's one.

"I ... I found you really beautiful, and I thought that maybe..."

Her voice trailed off as she looks down. Alex looks at her, then raises her head. She tenderly lay her lips on Piper's, while feeling a great shock. To her astonishment, Piper does not reject it but intensifies the kiss. She so pushes her gently on the sofa. Alex puts her hands along the body of Piper. She gently goes down along her body, then lifts her dress. Piper groan when Alex slips a hand into her panties.

"Inmate ! You're here to work not to daydream ! Go !"

A cop was staring at her. She looked around, surprised to be in prison. She quickly saw Piper, then drove her out of her mind.

The person coming to his mind then was Cassandra. This mysterious woman...

She worked distractedly the whole afternoon. At the end of her work day, she went not to eat. She had a desire in mind and wanted to fulfill it.

She arrived at Cassy's bunk, ​​who raised her head and looked at her.

"Alex! Are you okay?

-I need to talk to you."

Cassandra looked oddly but agreed to follow. She went down to the laundry, empty at this hour.

Alex stared at Cassandra a moment, then, thinking"fuck Piper" approached her and kissed her passionately.

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