Chapter 2

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She got up quickly before Nicky could tell her anything. She rid her tray and passed by Alex, who was laughing with this girl. She stared at Cassandra a moment, then continued on her way.

What is she doing here? Oh my God.

She quickly went out and took refuge under a tree.

Cassandra stands up facing a woman with black hair, we do not see his face.

"Hi, Alexandra."

The woman turns around. It's Alex.

"I told you not to call me like that, I don't like it.

- Well, I love your entire name, Alex."

She turns and throws Alex on the bed and get on top of her. She kisses her passionately and slowly descends longing her body. She then opens her jeans. Alex moan.

"Inmate ! It's not the time to be outside!"

A man was in front of her. She rose and walked toward her bunk. When she came back, Nichols was there with Morello.

I will be entitled to an interrogation. Awesome.

"Hey, Bass. Why did you left ? I was going to introduce you, Vause and Chapman.

- I... I had to...

- It's Vause, huh?"

Was it so obvious ?

"She makes much effect."

Cassy jumped at the chance.

"Yeah, she's kinda hot.

- Too bad for you, Chapman got her.

- Who is she ? I heard about her when I came there.

- Oh yeah ? It's possible. She's the girlfriend-but-she's-not-according-to-her of Alex.

- How did she react after seeing me ?

- Chapman?

- No, Alex.

- She was a little surprised, and said she already saw you somewhere, but no more. "

Wait, she had FORGOTTEN? HOW THE FUCK... ?

"Uh, Bass? You've turned red.

- Oh... It's nothing."

It can be positive, it will be easier to talk to her again.

"I'd like to meet her, where is she?

- In her bunk, normally".

Cassandra stood up and walked to the box that Nicky told her.

She was there. And alone. Cassandra cleared his throat, which made her look up.

"Oh, Bass, right?

- Yeah, you're Vause? Sorry, I went away before, I ... had something to do."

She knew exactly who she was, but did not want to remind her anything.

"So, why at you there, Bass?

- Drugs, and you?

- Same ! Did you get caught on the spot?

- Yeah. Not good. I'm here for a while."

Alex laughed while seeing her face. She then asked her why she had left when she entered the cafeteria at noon. She jumped at the chance.

"I ... You impressed me.

- Oh, really ?

- Yeah, I ... You're kinda hot.

- Well, that's straight ! Uh, thank you, I suppose.

- You ... Did you get somebody?

- Uh, no ... Not especially."

Why does she lie? I know she's dating Chapman. Is there a problem between them?

"Cool. Time for a walk?"

Alex got up and followed her into the hallway. They went out in the yard. They talked about everything and nothing, Cassy was just careful not to reveal anything that could put Alex on the way, and the discussion came to girlfriends.

"So, said Cassy, how many girlfriends did you have ?

- Three, if I remember well.

- Oh yeah ? How did you end the relationships ?

- I left the second to Piper.

- And the first?

- It's... It's very vague. I... She had just lost her..."

She suddenly stopped walking.

"She had just lost her brother. And I left her."

Yeah. And it was me, bitch. But from what I've heard, the shit you did to me turned against you.

- It must have been hard for her, right?

- I imagine."

Cassy passed on to another topic quickly. They returned at the end of the afternoon to eat. Both took their trays to the table where were already seated, Nichols and Morello. Nichols looked up seeing them arrive. Morello smirked.

"I see that you spent the afternoon knowing each other better, Nicky said.

- Yeah, answered at the same time the two women."

Nichols and Morello looked at each other and laughed.

"What? Asked Alex.

- No nothing. We wondered if you had ... a deeper knowledge.

Alex blushed. It was very rare that blush. She must have been really embarrassed by the question. The discussion went on, and when in the middle of a laugh between Alex and Cassy, Chapman arrived. When she saw Alex and... this woman who was a bit close, she arched an eyebrow and sat in front of Alex.

"I think we have not been presented, said Chapman coldly.

- Yeah, Alex said. This is... Cassandra Bass. "

That name sounds familiar, thought Chapman. And why the fuck is she talking to Al?

Cassandra looked at her and gave her a smile of satisfaction.

"Well, hello Chapman."

She didn't answer. Cassandra had seen that she had opposed and that Chapman was intelligent enough to understand that Alex was interested in her. Cassandra ended eating quickly, then stood up. Alex held her.

"Cassandra, you... Can we catch later maybe ? I like talking to you.

- Sure !"

She bent down to kiss Alexandra's cheek. Getting up, she saw Chapman throw a killer look at her.

Well, bitch. She likes me, and you're fucking jealous.

She left by proud stepping towards the exit. She arrived at her box and sat on her bed.

"Alex ... Please, not now.

- I'm sorry, Cass. I ... I can not do that any longer.

- Fuck, Alex ! My brother is dead !

- Goodbye, Cassandra."

Alex leaves the room without looking back.

"Damn, Bass! Are you crying?"

It was Nicky.

"No. I'm not.

- Yeah, I see that. Good night."

Cassandra did not sleep much that night.

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