Its Hard To Love A Thug

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Y'all have been waiting for this for so Long so here it  iss! A Thugs Love Partt 2 ! (Its  Hard to Love A Thug Enjoy) <3

Angels POV

When I'd woke up in that hospital bed, y'all don't even know how happy I was. I had my life back, with my new husband, yes me and Ricky got married a couple weeks after I got out of the hospital. My baby girl Christina, who is now 2 years of age and is growing up looking just like her daddy. My life was working out for the better now, I mean Ricky's still in the gangs and stuff but he keeping us out of the picture. We did go to Quincy's funeral, I mean he was are friend even though he tried to murder everyone I love. This my little catch up with y'all since I haven't been around.

Christina came running in the room and jumping on the bed, I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. She was so silly, and I loved her for it I looked over on the other side of the bed and Ricky was nowhere to be found once again. I stopped tickling her and picked her up to take her downstairs for some breakfast. She ran into the Tv room when I put her down, I turned on the stove then turned around to be surprised by Rachel ol'crazy self. She scared the day lights out of me, she started laughing while I was trying to get my breath back.

"Girl I haven't seen you jump like that since we was in High School." She said laughing.

"Now if I had that pan in my hand, we would have seen who would have been laughing then!" I said shaking me finger at her, she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Now where is my God Daughter at?" She said looking around downstairs.

"Where she always is sitting in front of the tv!" I said breaking some eggs into a bowl, Rachel left the room to go get her. I stood in the kitchen and looked around, for a little bit waiting for everything to warm up. When I heard the front door close, I walked around the corner and seen Ricky standing there looked tired, and beat up. I went over to him and gave him a hug and a kiss welcome home. "You alright baby?" I said taking him over to the couch so he can sit down.

"Long day, they had me up since 2 this morning dealing with some irrelevant stuff that didn't need my attention at att. Baby I need a break. Wanna make papa bear some coffee?" He said, I turned around and went into the kitchen. I made some quick coffee and brought it out to him, I handed him todays biills, and newpaper, and left him to it.

"Oh look who finally wants to come home!" I heard Rachel all the way from the other room, ugh I hated when she made a big deal about the small things, I mean at least he's here and not at some tramps house. "Why do leave my home  girl all by herself in this big house!" She said. I peered in around the corner and Ricky was just shaking his head and completely ignoring her. I giggled then went back to cooking in the kitchen. Christina came running in and tried to hide behind my legs, I was confused until I'd seen Jonathon chasing after her. I tilted my head at him like a confused dog as to why he was messing with my child.

"Mama Mama! Can I help make the morning Good Goods.!" She said running to the pantry to get her helping stool, I smiled at her a nodded. She stood up on the stool, that was just allowing her head to look over the counter. Ricky walked in and gave us both a kiss.

"Aye listen I was thinking about moving." he said.

"For what?'" I said kind of interested in starting over a new life style that didn't have to deal with worrying about our house getting shot up at 6 am in the morning.

"No reason...." He had that guilty look on his face.

"No ! Ricky im tired. Im sick and im tired of all the moving because of the gang! You have a family. A wife and a daughter that youre never spending time with !" I said cleaning off my hands and taking Christina off her stepping stool.

"I spend time with y'all when I can." He said,

"That's not enough ! Your daughter is 2 , where have you been for that time?" I asked twisting my head, he got quiet that's what I thought. I shook my head and walked out of the room. He chased after me, I went all the way up to our room. He grabbed my arms and pulled me toward him, I struggle to get out, but he wouldn't let me.

"Listen ! Im sorry, I haven't been around for most of the time, but I promise that im going to spend more time and spend time with my family ! You know I love you guys." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I don't know why my heart wanted to receive that he was telling the truth, but my mind still knew just like the last time he promised it. Empty Promise.

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