Chapter 6

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Angels POV

It was close to the middle of the night Ricky was fast asleep downstairs, I'd grabbed the bags and put them in the car I went to go get Christina but she wasn't in her bed. I looked all around for her but couldn't find her I was about to go wake Ricky up when I looked down in his lap there she was fast asleep. I smiled looking at them two together like that made me feel bad about what I was doing but I knew I had to. I picked her up trying not to wake Ricky up, I cared her to the car and put her in her car seat and we were on our way. As a birthday gift I think my uncle bought us a little get away home somewhere on the coast.  I took us there and started unpacking some of our things, Christina had woke up and was excited about our vacation. She ran out onto the back porch and looked over the ocean. It was so peaceful this is exactly what I needed, I took Christina to go get ready we were going to stop by my uncles house for a little visit. I got dressed and we started on our way over there, I didn't realize he had company until he opened the door and I'd seen a young man sitting there on his couch drinking a Coca Cola.

"Heyy baby girl!" He said giving me a hug. "An Looky here we got Rickys twin sister in the house!" He said referring to my baby girl. I laughed and walked inside, I waved at the man sitting on the couch. "Oh How rude of me! Here is the man you should have married this is David." I laughed in embarrassment, my uncle never liked Ricky, and I guess when I give him the news he'll be just happy as a baby boy with a new beach ball.

"Hey how you doing?" He said getting up to shake my hand, I cant say I wasn't attracted to him but I didn't come out here to get in a quick relationship I still love Ricky ! I just need this time to figure something's out.

"Hey sorry about my uncle he's a little crazy." I said laughing, I introduced Christina to him and they got along just fine. "Hey Unc. Let me talk to you in the kitchen real quick." I said walking toward the kitchen door.

"What up?" He said with a smile on his face like he always has.

"Me and Ricky split up! BUT that doesn't mean do the most and try and hook me up with that David guy." I said quickly, he nodded then we went back into the living room. I'd see Christina playing with the remote and trying to get the tv turned on. I laughed and took it from her, she need to lay off of the tv anyways. We stayed for a few hours we laughed and joked then I realized I have a two year old with a bed time. "Thanks guys for the good time, and I hope I run into you again sometime David." Said picked up my child and leaving. Half way to my car I heard someone scream "Wait" I turned around and seen David in a slow jog with something in his hand. It was my cell phone I must have left it on the coffee table.

"Hey you want to know something that can make your phone a lot better.?" He asked me.

"What?" I said.

"My number in it!" he said.

"Wow is that all you got! You think that was going to be the winning punch line to get my number?" I said laughing and putting Christina in her car seat.

"Hey it was worth the try." He said.

"i'll give it to you because you tried so hard." I said laughing putting my number in his phone. He put is in mine and we waved goodbye to each other. New Life Starts NOW!

Hey Readers

Do you think Angel will get over Ricky?

Do you think Angel and David are going to get together?

What team are you going to be On Team Angel&David or Team Angel&Ricky?

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