Chapter 2

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Angels POV

I'd laid Christina down for a nap, and Ricky left with Johnaton to go handle somethings so I was home by myself. This was a good time to just power down and relax, I went upstairs and took a shower then put on some comftorable clothes then went downstairs and made a Cappacino. I took my happy self over to the couch and started watching Oprah, everything was so calm. Then right when I comftorble the door bell rang, I rolled my eyes and placed my drink on the coffee table. I went over and peeked through the hole to see who it was.

"Oh my god Rachel why you always at my house girl! Yo man is going to think to running game!" I said opening the door for her, she shook off my comment with a laugh.

"Girl boo, If im running game best believe I wouldn't go home!" She said, and I knew she was serious. Rachel dont play no games. This girl stay serious. "Now it's time to talk about you and this jacked up relationship you in!" She said laughing.

"Girl be quiet! My relationship is perfectly fine the way it is. We are all happy." I said that was a lie that I was starting to believe. I mean yeah we're happy, and everything is going good but Ricky is never home and he never has time with me and Christina. When he does have time he is usually sleep or me and him are in and argument.

"If you say so baby girl! Your eyes is reading different!" She said pointing her two fingers really close to my eyes. "Dont fake happiness !" She said patting me on the leg. That comment made me mad, I wasnt faking anything, im pretty sure im pretty up front about my life only when I want people in it.

"Well girl maybe you wouldn't have to worry about me faking anything if you would just stay out of my business!" I said in the nicest way I could. I wasnt trying to hurt her feelings but I'd already had a long morning and I dont need her messing up my afternoon time. "Second of all why are you in our relationship we can figure this out on our own. We dont need a theripist!" I said, I turned and looked at her face it was obvious that she was hurt, but she tried to hide it like the thug she is.

"I was just trying to help you out.' She said. "But hey ill let you do you." She said getting up and fixing her shirt. I felt bad it was just a lot to deal with in one day, I mean Christina plus Ricky talking about moving again I can only handle so much as a women.

"Wait girl Im sorry I aint mean to hurt no feelings! Its just been stressful these couple of days." I said giivng her a hug.

"Girl you good I understand!" She said. "I been baggering to talk about something and you just need sometime to your self. Best believe we have a planned spa day coming up real soon." She said. "Until then you just get some rest in baby!" She said grabbing her keys and purse. I waved goodbye as she pulled out of the drive way.

I went back to the couch thinking that I was still going to relax when Ricky came in the door. He had a smile on his face, Ignored his goofy self and went back to my program. He came and tackled me on the couch, he gave me a kiss.

"Bae listen ! I got out, im out of the gang baby!" He said.

"Are you serious?" Joy came over my body I was so excited.

"Yes we can move now, and start a new and I can be here for you and Christina !" He said picking my up off the couch, he carried me upstairs. I was so happy hear that, i've been waiting 2 years to hear those words now finally we can get our lives and track and be a family. I guess the promise wasnt empty after all. <3

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