Countined part of: He legally blind

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The secret agency of MountRose book 1:The Pearl of Cthulhu and Winters Diamond

Chapter 5 Angel's POV

        The wall of ice was at least 30 feet thick. "That's impossible, we got here like an hour ago, where did all this ice come from?" Asked Alex staring at the ice wall. "Skittles! Can you help us?" Asked Bella. Skittles walked up to the wall of ice. He opened his mouth and a jet of rainbow fire hit the ice wall, with no effect, Skittles tried again, but he melted only a foot of it.

       "That ain't normal ice buddy" said somebody behind us. We turned and saw a horde of floating eyeballs with red tentacles trailing behind them. The team pulled out their weapons, expect Yoshi, who had a Popsicle in his hand, which he got from the freezer. The eyeballs stared us down, Skittles kept trying to melt the ice wall. We did what our instincts told us to do, run.

     We ran in between the candy section and section. An eyeball blocked our exit, it radiated heat, the closer we got, the hotter we get. The eyeball chased us, causing so much heat it melted the packs of candy, turning them to goo. The rest of the eyeballs were attacking Skittles. "How can we defeat these guys? Anything that gets to close to them might melt!" Said Alex, as we ran to skittles.

       Then the eyeball melted Yoshi's Popsicle, leaving only the stick. "My Popsicle!" Shouted Yoshi. He stared at the eyeball who closed in on us. The next thing he did was probably the most stupid thing I saw anybody do. He charged at the eye with his Popsicle stick.

    "Yoshi!" Yelled Alex. Yoshi tackled the eyeball and stabbed the eye with his Popsicle stick. He dug it right into the pupil, blinding the creature. The heat stopped and the eyeball flew around the room, bumping into walls. "I can not see!!!" He yelled, " he legally blind!!!" I shouted.

     The eyeball was now bloodshot, Keona shot an arrow at it, ending its misery. It exploded and, like all monsters, evaporated leaving nothing but a Popsicle stick. Their were only a few left now, Skittles was finishing off the rest. After all of the eyeballs died we still had a big problem. The ice wall still sat there. There was silence...THUD, it shook the room. Alex yanked out his katana, staring at the ice. "It came from the other side..." He said. Silence.........then BOOM, it broke the ice wall. Skittles jumped into the darkness. I could hear metal scrapping against the wall...

The secret agency of Mount Rose book1: The Pearl of Cthulhu and Winters  DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now