
20 2 1

The world quakes in fear,
As a new dawn draws near,
Terror invading sea to sea,
No safety for you nor for me.

As nations struggle again and again,
Terrorist are coming to achieve their end,
The obvious solution not easy to do,
We form an alliance of me and of you.

Against a nation which spreads through every land,
It is foolish to think it will fall by one's hand,
In unity looking past the differences between,
Together we can win from terrorism be freed.

As anxiety rises and threats are made,
We look to our leaders to make fear fade,
They have not the power while standing alone,
But for greater good I implore leaders pick up the phone.

Worlds powers unite to end this plight,
Against nations of terror though try as they might,
A world brought together can not be torn down,
No radicalist, the will of the world is not so easily drown.

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