Chapter 1

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"Clare hurry up your going to miss your plane" my mom yelled through my door. I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my last bag "I'm coming" I said as I opened my door grabbing my bags to go out to the car. She tried to take one from me but I just shoved past her and went outside. "Lose the attitude" she said as she got in the car. "I wouldn't have one if I wasn't being forced to move across the country to someone who doesn't want me" I said looking out the window. She sighed "what makes you think your father doesn't want you" she said as we headed to the airport. "Oh I don't know maybe him leaving when I was 12 and barley even calling to talk to me" I said in an irrated tone. "Clare he loves you he left because we didn't get along anymore. He called as much as he could but it was because of me he didn't call more" she said sounding guilty. "How" was all I said looking at her as we pulled into the airport. She sighed parking the car and turning to me "everytime he called we ended up in a fight and he finally couldn't take it anymore but I swear he does love you and he's begged me for years to let you move in with him" she said I just staired at her I couldn't believe what she was saying.

I didn't say a word to her just grabbed my bags snatched my ticket and headed inside. When I noticed she was following me I stopped and turned to her. "I don't need you to follow me in I'm going to get on the plane and go now just leave me alone" I said through gritted teeth. She looked as if she was going to cry but nodded her head. "I love you Clarebear" she said before heading out to the car. She always knew just what to say to bring tears to my eyes. This is her fault I don't want to move but she's forceing me neither of my parents want me I thought as I checked in and was told what way to go. I found my terminal and asked how long till we boarded "um it'll be about a half hour" said the flight attendant. "Thank you" I said as I turned away to find somewhere to get a monster or rockstar. I found a little gift shop type thing and went in to see if they had the energy drink I wanted. Thank god I thought as I spotted the monsters I quickly grabbed one and paid for it before popping the top and chugging about half of it. I guess now I just wait I thought walking back over to my terminal and sitting down. I decided to pull out my phone and found I had a few text messages from my friends.

I'm gonna miss you you better stay in touch- Jess
I smiled at that as I hit reply
Of course I will and I'll miss you to- Me
As I went through and replied to the messages I found one from my boyfriend of 6 months. At first I was so happy he messaged me even though he could have been here to see me off but whatever.
Babe I know this is a shit way to do this but you'll be living so far away that I think we need to break up I don't want the pressure of staying faithful when I don't know if your ever even coming back. I hope you find happiness in California- Kyle
I couldn't believe he was breaking up with me through a fucking text message. This day just keeps getting worse. I didn't even bother to reply to that one I just went on facebook and twitter and changed my relationship status to single and let my feed blow up with omg's and why what happened's. As I was putting my phone away I got another text message. I looked to see it was from an unknown number.

Clarebear this is your dad your mom gave me your number. I'm so excited for you to be moving in with me I've missed you so much. Can't wait to see you love you- Dad

I was about to reply with a smartass remark but the PA system announced that it was time to board. I chugged the rest of my monster tossed the can and grabbed my carry on bag. As I handed my ticket in they told me I was in first class and showed me my seat. Why the hell are they flying me first class I thought as I put my bag away and sat down. As I played around on my phone looking at all the comments bashing Kyle for breaking up with me a flight attendant came down the isle. "Miss we need all electronics putt on airplane mode so it doesn't mess with the electronics of the plane" she said sweetly. I smiled and nodded my head turning my phone off instead I was done with it anyways. "Um is an ipod mini ok" I asked and she nodded her head smiling. So I took mine out plugged in my headphones and turned on my music. I made sure I was buckled before I leaned my head back and got ready for a long ass flight.

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