Chapter 5

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"I'm her father" said Mr. E as we rushed over to the nurse. "We have her stable we had to stitch up her side and arm and give her a couple blood transfussions but other than that she is doing fine. We want to keep her over night for observation but she can go home tommorow" she said and we all sighed. "Can we see her" I said hopeful and the nurse nodded her head as she turned around for us to follow her back. When we got in the room I wanted to cry she looked so pale from the lose of blood. "Visting hours will be over at 8 so I have to ask you to leave by then" said the nurse as she turned to leave. "Wait can I stay here with her please so if she wakes up she doesn't freak" I said and she smiled softly at me and nodded her head. We all went around her bed I was on her left side by her head and Wes was beside me. Her dad was across from me with Drew next to him. "Are you sure you wanna stay up here bro" said Wes and I nodded my head. Her dad started to cry and kissed her forehead "what happened I thought you were just going to the boardwalk" he said as he held her hand for dear life. "That guy she said to look out for found us and tried to force her to leave with him he did this" I said. I felt so guilty I should have done something more to help her to keep this from happening to her. "Bro I know what your thinking" said Drew. I looked over to him and he was looking at me then her sadly. "This wasn't your fault that dude was fucking nuts there was nothing you could have done to get that knife from him" he said and I just nodded my head. Mr. E's pager went off and he had to leave to go back to work I pulled a chair over so I could sit beside her. "You guys can go if you want I can't leave her" I said taking her hand in mine not taking my eyes off of her.

"Keat what is it about her" said Wes softly. "I don't know but ever since I laid my eyes on her that morning I've felt drawn to her and on the way here with her losing so much blood it felt like part of me was draining out. I just...I can't leave her" I said as I stroked her cheek with my free hand. "Keaton I think you've fallen in love with this girl" said Drew smiling. I smiled softly as I thought about it "yea I think I have" I said softly and they both patted my back as they turned to leave. I sat there and thought about everything she told me last night and how the very first site of her sent my heart into a frenzy it didn't help that she was in a bikini that morning. Soon I laid my head on the side of her bed and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a ponding headache to blinding white lights. I tried to move my hand to sheild my eyes but there was an iv stuck in my arm so I tried to move the other one but I couldn't move it at all. I looked down to see a head of curly hair laying on my arm. I smiled as I realized who it was. Why'd he stay I thought. As I watched him sleep everything that happened yesturday came rushing back and I remember hearing Keaton and the guys talking but what stuck out the most was Drew saying he thinks Keaton fell in love with me and Keaton whispering "yea I think I have" I couldn't believe it. We just met two days ago but love doesn't have time constraints it just happens sometimes. But I don't know if I can let myself believe in love again. I'm scared I'll get hurt again but when I think about the other morning when I seen his head pop up over the fence my heart went into a frenzy by the site of his beautiful green eyes. And how he seemed so concered yesturday when Kyle found me and I got stabbed he was almost in tears before I passed out. As I continued to lay there and think memories of Kyle and I came rushing back and tears started to spill down my cheeks from memories of him getting pissed off and hitting me or forceing me into sex. I can't believe I thought that was love. I thought that was a healthy relationship as I remembered everything my heart monitor went wild which woke Keaton up and had a nurse running in. "Clare....Clare oh my god your awake what...what's wrong" he said in a panic. "I'm sorry I'm fine I was just thinking and some bad memories came back" I said as I stopped crying.

"Ms. Eastbrook how are you feeling" asked the nurse with a soft smile. "I'm a little sore" I said as I looked at her. "And what about emotionally do you think you'd want to set up an appointment with a therapist" she asked as she wrote something down. "I don't think so at least not right now I just want to go home" I said looking down. "I'll let the doctor know your awake after he checks everything out it'll be his call on if you can go home today or if he thinks you should stay here" she said before she turned to walk out of the room. I looked over to see Keaton hadn't taken his eyes off of me and they were full of unshed tears. "Clare I'm so sorry I should have done something to prevent this" he said as a few tears escaped his eyes. "Keaton none of this was your fault. Hey look at me please" I said and he slowly lifted his head to look me in the eyes. "None of this was your fault. I'm the one that dated a crazy person and thought everything he did was normal in a relationship and thought he loved me. If its anyones fault its mine for not seeing it sooner" I said. He looked taken back by what I just said "Clare what did he do to you" he asked trying to stay calm. I tried to look away but he cupped my cheek and forced me to look at him. "Clare please don't shut me out" he said and I looked down. "Towards the begging of our relationship he got me really really drunk and rapped me but said since I technically consented its not rape and after that when I tried to leave him he beat me and I just got use to the abuse and rape I thought that's how all relationships were" I said as a few tears ran down my face. Before he could say anything the doctor walked in. "Hello Ms. Eastbrook how are we feeling this morning" he said in a chiper voice. I smiled softly at him thankful he was at least trying to be in a happy mood. "I'm a little sore but other than that I'm good" I said he smiled at me as he came around to my right side.

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