Chapter 20

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Wesley knew what our plan for tonight was but the girls didn't I wanted it to be a good special night. So I told the driver where to go before they got in the car and when Clare asked me where we were going I just smiled. She rolled her eyes playfully and just snuggled into me. We soon arrived at the resturant called Skylon and got out of the car. I paid the driver before turning to see the girls expression. "Its beautiful" they said as we walked inside. "May I help you" said the matradee. "Table for four please" said Wesley and we were led inside to a table by the window so we could see out over the river. "This place is amazing" said Jess smileingb as she held Wes' hand. We werehanded menus that also said the drinking age was 18 here that made me worry because I didn't want Clare to get addicted to acohol again. "Clare no acohol" said Jess making Clare nod her in understanding as we looked over the menus. It wasn't long before our waiter came to take out drink orders we decided just to order our food while he was there. Clare and I got steaks well done while Wes and Jess got cesar salads and we all ordered cokes because it wouldn't have been right to get acholoic drinks while Clare was here. The waiter wrote the orders down and toom our menus before going to the kitchen. While we sat and talked my phone went off with a text message.

I couldn't get ahold of Clare to let her know. Thanks to those pic messages we were able to find his hideout. He is now in custody. I talked to the DA and she said we won't need Clare to testify- officer Carlos
Thank you so much for letting us know-me

After replying I put my phone away. "Guys great news" I said and they all looked at me. "Officer Carlos just texted me I guess he was trying to get ahold of Clare but wasn't able to. With the pic messages we were sending him they were able to track his number and find his hideout. Kyle is on jail and they don't need Clare to testify. Its over your safe babe" I said earning a tight hug from Clare. I looked over to see a huge smile on Jess and Wesleys faces as Clare pulled out of the hug. We talked about all the stuff we could do when we got home and while we were here. Our food came and we alm dug in.


Its finally over he's in jail awaiting trial and they don't need me because of the pictures of the text message I can live happy now and happy with Keaton I thought as we ate out food. Wes and Jess finished before us because they just had huge salads. But once we were all done the boys paid and we headed out. Instead of grabbing a cab we walked around for a bit. The sun was setting as we walked around the city. We came to a stop in front of the London eye and decided to get on. Keaton and I in one car, Jess and Wes in another. "This has been amazing Keaton" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled "I love you so much Clare" he said as we came to a stop at the top we looked out the window to an amazing view of London. Keaton pulled out his phone as we turned to get the veiw in the background as he leaned toward me and kissed me gently. I smiled into the kiss knkwing he was taking a picture of the kiss. We pu,led apart to look at the picture "this is going to be my new background for everything" he said putting his phone aways. I took mine out to take a pic as well but just a regular picture. Once I was done snapping the photo we started moving again. "I love you so much Keaton" I said as we got to the bottom and exited the car we were in. He had his arm around my waist as we waited for Wes and Jess. They got off just a few moments later and we decided to walk around a bit more.

We came across a little park near the river and decided to go sit down for a bit. "So Keaton what are your plans when we get home" said Jess. "To teach Clare everything I can about California now that the freak is going to be behind bars" said Keaton squeezing my hand I giggles. "Jess we should do pics. You take them of me and Keat and I'll take them of you guys then one of them can take them of us" I said excitedly. We decided she would take the pics of me and Keaton first we did about 5 then I took them of her and Wes. Then both boys took pics of me and her. We did that for about an hour before we started to get tired. Keaton hailed us a cab and we headed back to the hotel from that park. Once there we all filed out of the car Jess and I had our shoes in our hands instead of on making the boys laugh. What we didn't expect was they both snuck up behind us and scooped us up holdng us bridal style as we walked into the hotel then the elevator. We got a few smiles from the older couples there making me blush. Once we got to our room Jess and Wes went straight to theirs and Keaton took us to ours. "So did you have fun tonight baby" Keaton said as he kicked the door shut behind us. I could see he was trying to control himself in his eyes. I smiled and nodded my head as I wrapped my arms around his neck and adjusted myself so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He smiled softly at me as he leaned forward and started to softly and sentually kiss me while he walked to the bed. I softly moaned into the kiss. Keaton laid me down on the bed running his hands down my legs then back up them and under my dress making me shiver all the while never breaking the kiss. The further he moved his hand up the more I shiver and moaned I was extremly sensitive to his touch and he knew it. I broke the kiss long enough to lookinto my eyes as he gently scraped his nails on my hips making me moan a bit louder. He smirked and then attached his lips to my sweet spot as he massaged littled circles into my hips making me arch my back and grind my hips into him feeling how hard he already as and we just started. Keaton bit down lightly on my sweet spot making moan louder oh god he has me wrapped around his finger I thought as my hands made their way to his hair and I ground my hips against him again earning a sexy moan from him.

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