Chapter 13

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After I picked Jess up for our date I decided to take her to lunch first as we got in my jeep. "So what do you like to eat" I asked and blushed as she giggled. "I'm not picky and id rather have something cheep than expensive" she said and I smiled as I pulled into my favorite burger joint called Grinderz it was close to the skate park and the burgers were amazing. "Have you ever been to a place like this" I said and she shook her head. I smiled as we went in and we ordered our food. "So how long are you here" I asked as we waited for our order. "Actually before comeing out I talked my parents into letting me finish my senior year online so I can stay close to Clare. Before I met her I was a mess she doesn't know it though so I'm here for good" she said and smiled as I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into my side. Our food came up and we went to get our drinks and find a seat. "So how were you a mess" I asked and she looked at me.

"Um before I moved to Indiana with my parents I lived in Flordia and I got into a bad situation. I was with a guy that I didn't know was in a gang and I got mixed up in it. I thought I was in love but I wasn't I was scared of him I witnessed him killing people over money and takeing drugs. He got me to start doing herion and I almost over dosed. My mom sent me to rehab when she found out and then we moved to indiana that's when I found Clare. She helped me heal basically she made me feel like I was actually worth something and I mattered. My parents noticed the change in me when she came into my life. They agreed with me when I talked them into moving out here and they talked to Clares dad he knows about everything and agreed that I wasn't ready for Clare to be so far away. I still need her to keep me grounded" she said as we ate. "I'm definatly glad you found her cause if not she wouldn't have led you here" I said making her blush. "And why's that a good thing" she said smirking a little. "Cause then I wouldn't have found you and I'm damn glad I did. You wanna go over to the skatepark" I said once we finished our food and she nodded her head. I'm glad I brought my board with me I thought as we left Grinderz and to the jeep. I grabbed my board and we headed over. "So are you any good" she said smiling and I smiled big. "Take a seat and I'll show you what I can do you can be the judge if I'm good or not" I said and she sat down while I went through the course pulling my favorite tricks. When I came back to her she had the biggest smile on her face "so what'd you think" I said. "You were freaking amazing" she standing up. I set my board down and wrapped my arms around her waist bringing her close to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Jess can I ask you something" I said and she nodded her head yes. "Will you be my girlfriend" I said nervously. She smiled shyly "even after you heard everything I've done" she said scepticly "That's your past and its shaped who you are and who you are is the girl I'm falling for" I said making he snipe grow as she nodded her head yes. I was happy I tightened my grip on her waist and lifted her nto the air before spinning around making her giggle and other people awwww. I set her back down and took my favorite Yums hat off and placed it on her head before slowly leanng forward and softly kissing her.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off somewhere but I couldn't move. I looked over to see Clare sleeping on my chest. I smiled so big my cheeks hurt as memories from the night before come rushing back. It was amazing and I've never felt like this with anyone I hope it was the same for her. I slowly and gently move out from under her earning a groan from the loss of contact so I cam get my phone before it goes off again. I look to see I have a few missed text messages and some were from a very pissed off mom. Shit I forgot to check in I thought as I read her last texr.

Keaton your lucky your girlfriend needed you if she didn't you'd be so fucking grounded- mom

I decided not to reply right away and looked through Wesleystext the one that caught my eye was the last one.

Yo Keats I asked Jess to be my girlfriend and she said yes we're on our way back so get your lazy ass up- Wes
I'm up you ass you almost woke up C with your messages-Me
Jess wants her up to we'll be there in 5-Wes
Ok ok-Me

I put my phone down and quickly used the bathroom before grabbing my boxers and slipping them on. I went back to the bed and I gently kissed her cheek. "Baby Jess and Wesley are on their way back they want us to get up" I whispered in her ear and she groaned softly. "Come on baby I remember where your tickle spots are" I said at that she opened one eye. "Don't you dare" she said and I smiled. She inched away from me and I jumped on top of her as I started to attack her sides making her burst out in laughter and tried to squirm away from me the sheets slowly fell further down her body until her chest was uncovered and distracted me. She smirked and pulled me down to her by the back of my neck crashing our lips together. "Clare you better be a...." I heard Jess say as the door opened and she cut off midsentence. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" she said chuckling before shutting the door. I looked back to see Clare was a beat red and I bet I was to. I got off of her and off the bed so she could get up and dressed as I pulled on my pyjama psnts. We walked out the room still blushing. We walked to the living room as soon as Jess and Wesley say us they started laughing.

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