Chapter 7

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I know I know Cbear and Jbear are really childish nicknames but that's what we like to call eachother. "Um Jess this is Wesley and Keaton Stromberg their my neighbors and that's Drew Chadwick he's their friend. They saved me" I said smiling at them as Jess and I sat down with plates of Pizza. The guys sat around us Keaton sitting right beside me. I leaned on him slightly just to be touching in some way and I think Jess noticed cause she was now smirking at me. "And what's this" she said gesturing to Keaton and I making us blush. "N..nothing" we said at the same time but I still didn't move away from him and he seemed to move closer to me. "Ok yea right" she said in her I know your lieing tone. I rolled my eyes as we started eating our pizza and Jess told stories from back home. "Wait she what" said Wesley through laughs. "She thought it would be fun to surf down a hill in the middle of winter so she took her moms old surf board to the highest hill and instead of putting it fin up she put the fin down and into the snow. It started out good until the fin caught and she went flying off and rolled the rest of the way down the hill" Jess said and I was trying to hid my face behind her. "That actually sounds freaking awesome Keat we have to teach her to surf some time" said Drew. I looked up still beat red and earned an aww from Jess I smacked her arm making her laugh again. "Hey its not pick on Clare day damn it" I said making them laugh again and I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and pull me back into a hard chest. I smiled softly when I turned to see Keaton smiling at me. "I think its adorable" he whispered in my ear making me blush again.

"Ok ok girl time now missy let's go" said Jess grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bedroom I glanced back to see Wes and Drew trying not to laugh at Keaton pouting. She shut the door behind me and just stared. "What" I said raising my hands in defense. "What is up with you and Keaton" she said walking to the bed to sit down. "Nothing is up with us" I tried to lie but she rolled her eyes at me. "Damn it Cbear you know you can't lie to me" she said standing back up. "Ok ok I don't know ever since I laid eyes on him I've been kind of drawn to him. I want to be near him and touch him but it scares the hell out of me. How can I let my gaurd down after what Kyle did but Keaton makes me feel safe. But I'm scared Jess" I said trying not to start crying she came over and enveloped me in a tight hug. "Listen to me Clare if this guy makes you feel safe which I know for a fact you've never felt with Kyle and you haven't felt since your dad left then I say give him a chance. Kyle was and still is a bastard and I hate that it took me this long to figure it out but Keaton seems like a really good guy and so does his brother. Hell he wasn't even going to let me in the house until I proved we were friends because he refused to take a chance on you getting hurt again. You've been here a week and these three guys are so protective of you" she said smiling as she pulled back from the hug. "Cbear how do you feel when you just look at Keaton" she asked and I blushed. "It feels like someone set a million butterflys free in my stomach" I said and she giggled. "Then go for what makes you happy screw Kyle he'll be in jail soon enough Keaton is what makes you happy then go for him" she said smiling even bigger. I smiled and hugged her tight.


"What do you think their talking about" I asked twidling my thumbs. Drew and Wesley looked at each other then at me. "Dude their talking about you" said Drew I looked up shocked. "What why me" I said suprise taking over everything. "Because their best friends and if Jess approves of you its more likely you'll have a chance with Clare" said Wes but before I could say anything they came back out of the bedroom giggling. I turned to look at them and Clare caught my eyes she blushed and whispered to Jess making Jess look at me and wink. What the hell is going on. I've had girlfriends before but none that had a bestfriend to get approval from so I don't know what's happening I thought as they sat down. Clare sat down beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "She likes you" she whispered in my ear making me blush and smile wide. "So Keaton how old are you" asked Jess. Oh god here comes the interigation I thought "I'm 18" I said wrapping an arm around Clares shoulders she giggled and got more comfortable laying on me. "What are your hobbies" she asked. "I skate, surf and play in a band with my brother and Drew" I said. Clare looked up at that "your in a band" she said suprised. "Yea I play bass, guitar and sing. Drew does guitar and sings and Wes is mainly a singer but he also plays a bit of guitar" I said and chuckled. We sat there and talked the rest of the night until we heard the front door open and close. "Clarebear I'm home" Mr. E shouted as he came downstairs. "Jess I didn't know you'd be here" he said as he spotted Jess sitting beside Clare. "Here's your medicene sweetie and the doctor called to remind you you need to clean and change the bandages" he said smiling sweetly at Clare. "I'll show Jess how to do it so she can while she's here if you'd like sir" I said and he nodded his head. "I'm sorry sweetie work wore me out tonight I'm gonna head off to bed. You boys don't stay to late" he said trying to sound stern. We all laughed at him as Jess, Clare and I went to the bedroom and I had clare lay down and lift her shirt as I grabbed everything.

I showed Jess the video of the nurse and stayed to watch making sure she did it right. Once she was done and put the gauze on I threw the old stuff away in the bathroom and put the other things away. When I came back out they were sitting on the bed whispering. "Clare let me talk to Keaton a min" said Jess and Clare looked confused but nodded her head sending me an apoligetic look before heading back to the living room. "Keaton look I know Clare likes you a lot. You make her feel safe and you guys have become very protective of her since she moved here and I'm so thankful for that. If you want to date her I approve but I warn you I may not have had the chance to kill Kyle but if you hurt her in anyway I will hurt you understand" she said looking very serious. "Jess I can promise you I would never hurt Clare intentionally I care about her a lot. I know it might sound to soon but I falling for her big time" I said making her smile. "Good then get your ass out there and ask her on a date she needs to get her mind off that fuckhead and onto you" she said with a smirk making me blush. She laughed as she opened the door and headed out I went out a few seconds later. I looked out the door and seen the sun was setting and thought that'd be a perfect place to ask her. "Hey Clare want to take a walk with me" I asked coming into the living room. She smiled softly amd nodded her head yes. I smiled and reached my hand out to her to help her up we stopped at the door so she could put some flip flops on. "We'll be back in a bit" I said as we headed outside.

I lead her across her deck to the back gate so we could walk on the beach. She was smiling when we got to the water "its so beautifuk here I'm really glad my mom sent me here" she said softly. I smiled softly at her "its not as beautiful as you are" I said and she blushed. "Clare I wanted ask you something" I said coming to a stop and turning her to face me. "What's up Keaton" she said looking into my eyes. Damn hy am I so nervous I thought as I swallowed. "Will you go on a date with me tommorow night" I asked and her smile widened "I would love that" she said I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her waist and lift her into the air spinning around. She giggled as she clung to me I finally set her back in her feet smiling so big my cheeks hurt. After watching the sun set for a few hours we headed back to her house. "So where are we going to go tommorow" she asked as we walked through her gate. "Its going to be a suprise" I said and she groaned. "But how am I suppose to know what to wear and how to do my makeup" she said making me chuckcle. "I'll tell Jess and she can help you but I want our first date to be a suprise" I said as we walked back into the house to find the guys and Jess playing mortal kombat. "Ha I kicked your ass" screamed Jess making Clare and I burst out into laughter. "Hey how long you guys been back" said Jess looking at us. "Just walked in. Can I talk to you a minute Jess" I said and she raised an eyebroe but nodded her head. We went back out to the deck while Clare took a controller and battled Wesley.

"So did you ask her" she said smiling and I nodded my head. "Yea but I want it to be a suprise to her I told her I'd tell you that way you can help her get ready" I said smiling. "I want to take her to a special spot at sunset tommorow. I'm gonna have a romantic dinner set up then I want to play her a new song I just wrote" I said. Jess was smiling from ear to ear. "That sounds amazing. Since the date has to be a suprise to her what she's wearing is going to be a suprise to you" she said and I smiled. "Thank you Jess" I said making her raise an eyebrow at me again. "For what I didn't do anything" she said I chuckled "yea you did you gave me approval I know she needed to be ok with going on a date with me. I don't know what I would have done if she would have said no" I said and she smiled giving me a small hug. "I know your a good guy and that's what she needs is a good guy that will care for and protect her when she needs it" she said and we walked back into the house. I checked the time it was 9:30 "guys we should go I have some stuff I need to start setting up and Jess needs to help Clare with something" I said making Clare blush. I went over to her "remember I'm right next door if you need me" I whispered in her ear as I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Ws and Drew said their goodbyes and we headed home. "So what do you have to set up"said Wes. "Clare agreed to a date tommorow night. I want to take her to our spot and have a romantic dinner at sunset then I want to play her that song I wrote the other day" I said shyly. "Oh hell yea we are so helping you" said Wes when we walked into the houee Drew decided to stay over. I went to my room to practice the song and fine tune it while Drew and Wes thought about possible meals for us. I can't wait for tommorow I thought as I grabbed my guitar and started playing.


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