Chapter 3

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I know Wes and Drew thought Clare was kind of a bitch when we first met her this morning but I didn't. I want to get to know her and when her dad invited us for pizza I was going to take this chance to sit and talk to her. We went to her living room and sat on the couch. I sat there and just looked at her trying not to seem creepy or anything I just wanted to take in her appearance. She had medium length black hair with a fringe. There was a bright green going throughout her fringe which made her eyes pop. They were the most beautiful green I've seen. She noticed I was looking and blushed. "So how old are you" I said trying to start a conversation. "I'm 18" she said twiddling her thumbs nervously. I chuckled "so am I. Wes is 20 and Drew is 21" I said making her smile. "Can I ask you why you moved in with your dad" I said making her look at me. "Um my mom got tired of me so she sent me out here" she said sounding sad. "What do you mean from what your dad said she loves you very much" I said sounding confused. She looked down "yea that's until things started getting bad in school and I changed from the perfect princess daughter she always wanted" she said. I waited until she looked back at me. "What happened" I said looking into her eyes.

She was quite for a moment in thought. "Um once dad left I blamed myself. I found solice in the music I started listening to and then I started getting bullied big time. I was called a freak and emo and people would scream at me to kill myself that's when I started hiding my arms because once the music stopped helping I found that cutting gave a sort of pain I could handle and control. Turning the pain to my arms took it away from my mind for a bit and I started smoking and sneaking achol. Once I got into highschool I made this friend Jess and she kind of forced me to see that cutting was stupid and got me to stop but I kept smoking and I still do. Towards the end of Junior year I started dating this guy Kyle and I thought every thing was perfect until the bullying started getting worse because we were together and I decided to drop out. She couldn't take it anymore so she sent me here" she finished and I noticed she was playing with one of the many braclets on her wrist. How didn't I notice those before I thought. "Clare can I see your arm" I said suddenly and her eyes went wide. "W..why" she asked looking guilty. "Clare please you said you stopped right" I said looking hopeful. "I did for a while but when I was at the airport waiting for my flight Kyle texted me and broke up with me because he 'didnt want the pressure of staying faithful with me living so far away' and then I got here and he texted me again apoligizing and begging me to take him back just everything was so much to take in" she said with a tear running down her cheek.

I cupped her chin making her look at me and used my thumb to wipe away her tear. "Clare I'm here for you now ok. If you ever feel the urge to do that again please call me I'm right next door I promise I'll be right over" I said and she smiled sadly. "Why are you being so nice to me you just met me this morning and I was a bitch to you guys" she said. I smiled and chuckled "Clare its going to sound weird but I feel kind of drawn to you and I know you just moved here. I want to be your friend if you'll let me" I said and she smiled softly.


After Keaton and I talked about everything I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I had asked him why he was being so nice to me and he said he felt drawn to me. I smiled at him and he opened his arms inviting me into a hug. I hesitated at first but soon scotted closer to him and hugged him tight. I don't know how long we sat there in each others arms but it felt right. I felt safe I guess you could say. No one has ever made me feel safe with a hug besides Jess. I didn't want the hug to end but my phone went off with a text message so we pulled apart.

Dude Kyle is flipping out he's going crazy cause you turned him down- Jess
I'm sorry but I can't trust him not to hurt me again-Me
I know I was just letting you know cause he's talking about flying out there and getting you back- Jess
He wouldn't dare just wait till he gets laid and he'll be fine-Me
Clare I'm sorry but he already has been he cheated on you with Tess before you left and he's feeling guilty now I thought he had told you I'm so sorry- Jess
Are you fucking kidding me with that preppy prissy bitch I swear if he tries to come here I'll rip his fucking balls off- Me
Before I got a reply Wesley came downstairs "hey guys the pizzas here" he said and I tried to force a smile. "Go ahead I'll be up in a minute" I said to Keaton as he looked at me with worry written across his face. "Are you sure" he said placeing a hand on my shoulder. "Actually I feel kind of sick can you let my dad know I'm just going to lay down I'll grab some later. I'm sorry" I said as I tried to hold back the tears. "Clare are you ok" he said now starting to panic a little. "I'm fine Keaton I promise just not feeling well all of a sudden" I said. He held his hand out and I knew he wanted my phone to put his number in so I closed out the messages and handed it to him. "Text me or call me if you need to ok promise me" he said as he texted his phone from mine so he had my number. "I promise now go ahead and eat before they eat it all" I said. He hugged me one last time before turning to head up stairs. I went to the door and tried to listen in "Mr. E Clare isn't feeling well she said she's going to lay down she said she would come get some pizza later" I heard Keaton say. "Oh maybe I should go check on her" my dad said. "I think she just needs to be alone for a bit" Keaton said.

After that I went back down the stairs and to my room. I hadn't even noticed my phone had went off about 10 times with messages. Jess was freaking out she knew what happened when I got bad news and this was the worst. I ignored her messages and created one to Kyle.

Your nothing but lieing scum. I can't fucking stand you I gave you everything litterally everything and how do you repay me. You sleep with the one person who made my life hell and then break up with me. How dare you even act like its you who's hurting you're the one that caused this. I loved you, you son of a bitch- Me

Once I sent the message I decided I wanted a shower I felt disgusting just thinking about how I gave him my virginity. I went into the bathroom to start the water and while it was heating up I started taking all my bracelets off and noticed the newest cut had started to scab over. Why the fuck would he do that to me I thought he loved me I thought as I finished undressing and got into the shower. Once inside I stood under the spray for a few mins before grabbing a rag and scrubbing my skin raw everywhere I could reach. By the time I was done I was bawling holding onto the wall for support. I don't know how long I was in there but when the water started to turn cold I shut off the shower and got out. I dried off and went to my room and found a plain tank top and some basketball shorts. I grabbed my phone off the bed and went to the living room and turned the tv on. Once I was settled in I seen my message light flashing on my phone. I sighed and unlocked it seen a ton if messages the first one I went to was Keatons.

Hey just wanted ti make sure you were ok- Keat
I laughed at how he put his name in my phone before hitting reply
Yea I'm good thanks- Me
After I replied I went through all of Jess's messages but didn't reply until I got to the last one
Clare I swear if you don't answer me I'm going to fly out there just to kick your ass for ignoring me-Jess
Ok ok I'm here sorry I was taking a shower-Me
After that I had one message left and it was from Kyle
How fucking dare you talk to me that way. Your mine weither I cheated or not and I will be coming to get you I can promise you that. You little ungrateful bitch- Kyle
I rolled my eyes and deleted the message. I decided to shut the tv off and go to bed. Once in my room I set up my labtop and turned on my playlist on youtube and laid down I knew that I would fall asleep with my music playing. I was drifting off nicely to sleep when my phone buzzed again. I groaned and looked at it to see another message from Kyle.

You think I'm bluffing Clare I will be there tommorow I looked your dad up and got his address see you soon baby-Kyle

He can't be serious right why the fuck is he acting so crazy I thought as I laid my phone back down and finlly fell asleep.


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