Chapter 6

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Keaton helped me in the jeep and buckled me up before hopping the back. The nurse warned him to take care of me and I smiled when he said I was in good hands. We were headed towards our houses when we passed an officer and I started thinking about possibly getting Kyle put away. "Hey Wesley do you think we could go by the police station" I said and he looked confused. "Are you sure your up for this" asked Keaton and I nodded my head. "Up for what" asked Wesley as he started toward the police station. "I'm going to give my statement about what happened and report all the abuse he put me through" I said looking at him. "Ok just know that we will be there with you for support" said Wesley. A few mintues later we pulled into the station parking lot and Keaton jumped out to help me out of the Jeep. We went inside and up to the front desk "how can I help you" said the receptionist. "Um we need to see officer Carlos" said Keaton and the lady got on the phone. "He'll be right out" she said smiling we said thank you and waited for the officer for a few minutes. "Hi I'm officer Carlos you must be Clare Eastbrook" he said shaking my hand. "Yea um I'm here to give my statement on what happened" I said nervously. "Ok follow me" he said and we started walking to the back room.

"Please have a seat. Before we start can I get any of you some water" said Officer Carlos. We all said no thank you and he pulled out a pad of paper a pen and a tape recorder. "Is it ok if I record this" he said and I nervously nodded my head. "Ok can you tell me your name" he said looking at me. "My name is Clare Eastbrook" I said he wrote it down. "And what is the young mans name that attacked you and how do you know him" he said. "His name is Kyle Davidson and he's my ex-boyfriend" I said he wrote that down as well. "Now this may get a little into your past with him are you ok with that" he said and looked up at me. "Yea I actually wanted to report him for abuse during the relationship as well" I said and the officer nodded. "How long did you two date" he asked me "we were together for about 6 months he was my first boyfriend" I said sounding sad even to myself. "You said there was abuse during those six months could you elaborate on that" he said. I took a deep breath and felt Wesley put his hand on my shoulder and squeeze slightly as Keaton took my hand in his. "Well towards the beginning it was fine but about a month into the relationship we went to a party and he somehow got me drunk I never drink achol yet I was drunk that night and he took advantage of that and took my virginity. When I woke up the next morning and realized what happened I started to panic and I screamed at him that's when he hit me the first time. Ever since that party if he got pissed off at school or was just plane bored he would either force me into sex or beat me. I've never been around a functional relationship so I stupidly thought that what was happening was ok because he always apoloigized" I said trying to hold back the tears. "Clare its not our fault its really not, a lot of people have gone through this but with this we should be able to have him put behind bars for a long long time" said the officer. I softly smiled and nodded my head. "Now did you know before hand he was coming to California" he said. "He had texted me threatening to come after I refused to take him back once I found out he cheated on me but I didn't believe him till he sent me a pitcure from the plane ride here saying he'd be here soon. I told my dad not to let him in the house if he showed up but I never thought he'd find me and follow me then attack me in public" I said the officer writting down notes. "Ok I think I have everything I need we will find him. If you get anymore texts or communication from him please let me know" he said and I nodded. "Oh wait while she was asleep he messaged her phone" said Keaton I looked confused as he took out my phone and handed it to me. I unlocked it to find a message from him. I handed it to the officer and he wrote down the number. "Can I go print a copy of all these messages before you leave" he said and I nodded my head yes.


"Clare I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was just so happy you were awake" I said looking down "Keaton its ok I promise" she said squeezeing my hand. I looked up and she smiled at me before I could say anything Officer Carlos walked back in. "Here's your phone Miss now that we have his number it should be easier to track him down" he said handing her phone back to her. "Thank you is it ok if I go home now" she said and he nodded. "We'll call if we need you but I think it'd be best if all of you stuck together until we catch him ok" he said and she smiled. "That won't be hard we're neighbors" I said chuckling. He smiled as we said our good byes and turned to leave. "We'll stop and drop off your script then head home" said Wes as we got in the jeep. On the way Clare dosed off and damn did she look cute sleeping. It didn't take long to drop off her pescription and get home. I got a text from her dad on the way saying something came up at work and he was going to be late. "Wes Mr. E is going to be late he said there is a key under the ceramic frog and asked if we could stay with Clare until he got home" I said as we pulled into her driveway I hopped out the back and unbuckled Clare careful not to wake her. Wes went to find the key and unlock the door as I gently picked her up bridal style and carried her inside and down to her basement apartment. "I'm gonna go let mom know where we'll be for a little while" said Wes before he headed out her door to go around the back of the house.

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