The Starting Block

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Well so I have no idea what I am doing. Before this I had wanted to but could not get myself to write on Wattpad. So Having these starting three sentences are a big thing for me. But I think these are meant to be stories about my life. I am telling you all now I have the most boring life ever.

I feel so afraid about doing this! My heart feels like it is about to pump right out of my chest!f

The reason is that I am apart of a small group I fondly call the corner creepers. Those people that if by some act of magic you manage to get them to go to a party they are practically velcroed to the walls and are only interested in the household pets even if that means a fish tank.

At least that is what I think and what the internet has told me about any sort of party because I have never been to one.

It's not that I don't have friends I have two and that is all I need. I prefer to have quality friends over quantity. But if you have a lot of good quality friends than you are a true magical creature in my eyes.

Hey would you just look at that over two hundred words already! I am just going to ramble on and on. The goal though is 10,000 words in 30 days. My rambling might be the only reason that I reach that number.

My memory is a very shaky thing because I don't remember stuff like stories about myself very well and would you guess that that is the first thing I try and write about.

But I want to give you readers some what of an actual story before I go but I have to think about it. I'm thinking, I'm thinking, and I'm thinking... How do people do this! Oh I got one don't know if it really counts as a story though but what ever.

So when I was younger I would see people that had collections of stuff like my sister tried and successfully started a decorated slash pocket knife (half the people gave her one than the other half got her the other one and she rolled with it) collection at the age of thirteen. Other people had collections of stuff that I don't remember but I would always try and start a collection when I would see others.

My problem was the fact that I would start collecting something but then would get rid of it because I had no use for it. The thing I did this the most with was rocks. Strange right but I had no money and a lot of rocks around my house so that is what happened. I was a different kind of kid.

So that is my true story for today will write again tomorrow if my heart does not explode from beating to fast when I try to again. See you tomorrow!

What Am I Doing 30 Day Writing Challenge 2016Where stories live. Discover now