I Almost Didn't

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Okay I am going to be honest I almost didn't write any thing. It is almost midnight and the guilt is crushing me. I had thought to myself that I should just give up this challenge because who is going to read it? But then I went well why did I start this in the first place?

I have no fliping idea. Personally I feel as though I don't have any stories worth sharing about my life but why not give it a try. So I will pull myself together and forge ahead. Putting word after word down.

Well one story I can tell... Well crap I like to listen to music when I type so I changed tabs and got immensely distracted and have no idea what story I was going to tell you all. Haha! I am just sitting here racking my brain for what it was... Aha! I remembered! *little happy dance ensues* 

The story is not much of one but then again I don't know how much detail I am putting into a story until I write it. Here goes nothing. When I was in the third grade my mother decided to move us to a whole different state. It was a decision that I was not happy to deal with because of some incidents that had occurred withing my family a couple of years ago. We would be putting some distance between us and friends and family that I cared for deeply. It wasn't that my mother didn't love her parents it was that she was moving on from something that upset her and in her typical fashion she removed everything that reminded her of that time as she could.

So needless to say I was not happy to be relocating. As we came into the town that we were going to be living in for who knows how long I did what any nine year old would do. I stuffed my face into my pillow and refused to look at where I was going to live as we drove through town. We finally made it to the house and I would not get out of the car until my mother forced me to. After that I went straight to my room and did not leave for the rest of the day no matter what my mother would say.

That's all I have for today or rather tonight in my case. More will come latter. I have been trying to keep these to one story a chapter so that I don't run out of stories. Expect more latter! Sleep well every one. 

What Am I Doing 30 Day Writing Challenge 2016Where stories live. Discover now