Almost But Not Quite

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I tried to write this a eleven but alas it is two in the morning. At least that is better than last night when I wrote the story at three thirty. I swear by the end of this challenge I will write one of these at or before eleven and go to bed before midnight. 

Well before I start telling my story I want to thank some people. First I want to thank LovelessMelo for adding this hodgepodge of stories to one of her reading lists. Secondly I wanted to thank TheBookQueen77 for deciding to follow me. You don't realize how much those actions mean to me. I thought that sure people would maybe read it but never would I have thought that readers would actually follow me. So I just wanted to say thank you.

The first part of this chapter will be a small continuation of the last chapter. I didn't put it in the last chapter because I forgot about it and don't feel like going back to change anything. Also because it is super short. 

Sometime before or after my sister tricked me into exploding my pop-tart she was being a turd as usual. She had been boasting to me about how fast she could punch and stop her punches. Her ego was huge for a third grader. All she wanted to do was prove to me how cool she was and so she wrangled me to do a demonstration of her skills. If you could not have guess it already this story does not end well for me.

She had me stand in front of her and she was going to "punch" me in the face but stop her fist in time so that that did not happen. She did succeed the first two times but as they say third times the charm and she punched me in square on the nose. Needless to say my parents were less than pleased with this interaction that had happened but I never held it against her like I did with the pop-tart. Food is wonderful and should not be wasted yet she tricked me into doing it. But whatever the past is the past.

Now for today's story after the bonus story. If you have read all of the chapters so far you will remember the chocolate story. That incident did not make my sweet tooth go away it only made me dislike chocolate. This resulted in me having to figure out what other candies were out there that would satisfy my sugar need. I did find many candies that I still love and have no chocolate. These include Pixy Stix's, Everlasting Gobstoppers, FunDip, Sprees and many more Wonka candies. 

During the Halloween school dance my eight grade year they were selling candy in the cafeteria. I knew this and had planed accordingly. This being a middle school dance the candy was cheep and I knew exactly what I wanted but not how much I wanted. So I popped open my piggy bank and pulled out a twenty dollar bill from Christmas. Rich is not a word I would have use to describe my family then or now. I really liked candy though and that was all that I spent it on when I was a kid. I knew how much cheaper it would be to stock up on my sugar stash so that is exactly what I did. I bought FunDip in bulk spending all of my twenty dollars. In total I bought forty packages of FunDip. Only the single packages though sadly.

I showed my friend my haul and they just looked at me with eyes that said that they loved me and they would visit my grave when the sugar finally killed me. I told them they loved me anyway and the grumbled their agreement. Those packages of FunDip only lasted two weeks before I ate them all.

Well that's all I have for you tonight.

Just kidding this will never happen again but EXTRA BONUS STORY!!! Still related to sugar though. Hehehe.

As I have grown up my mother had gotten more and more into the supper healthy eating. When freshman year rolled around I really wanted sugar but my mother would refuse to buy me anything so I started grasping at whatever sugar would come my way. Desperate times called for desperate measures so one day when my family was out of the house I snuck into the kitchen. I proceeded to fill a sandwich baggie half way full of powered sugar. Over the weeks I would slowly eat it when I really needed sugar. It was a banned substance in the house unless it was in the form of plain sugar or powdered sugar.

I eventually forgot about it and that would have been fine but we were moving and I had hidden the bag underneath my my bed between the mattress and the frame. We had people come over to help us move and when I was doing something else in the house they started to take my bed apart. I came back to my room to see one of the girls helping look a the bag of white power that had fallen onto the floor when they had moved my mattress. Her face was covered in shock and horror at what they had just found. I could only imagine that she thought they had uncovered a bag of cocaine in my bedroom. 

My mother was so cool about it though because she took one look at it then looked the two other people in the room not including me (they didn't know I was there). Picking it up she said "I'm betting you all twenty dollars that this is powered sugar" she then licked her finger, put it in the bag and then licked her finger. They all awaited her reaction and she just said "You all owe me twenty dollars and this is so my child".

That's the bonus story that made people think I was a druggie. A rich one at that because that would have been a lot of cocaine. 

Don't Do Drugs though people! Stay alive and confuse those around you by moving all the furniture to the right five inches and watch people look confused as they run into stuff.

That is all I have for tonight for real this time. 

Have a great rest of your day and sleep well. :-) 

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