Back On Schedule! Kinda

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Hey friends! I am already working towards my goal of going to bed at a decent time! This is already starting out okay because it is midnight! For the past couple of nights it has been two or three in the morning when I write but I am back to midnight writing! Soon I will write a chapter and go to bed before midnight. It will happen I promise that to all of you and to myself.

I wish I could think of a good and entertaining story you all of you but I just have nothing on the brain. So sorry this chapter is going to be supper short. I am going to try and make it at least three-hundred words long though. It will be a lot of little sentence stories.

In fourth grade when I move to the new town mentioned in previous chapters I eventually made a friend who was super into reading manga and watching anime. She always had a shonen jump magazine on her as well. Due to her I was introduced to the world of anime and manga. 

To be honest at first I thought it was a stupid thing that I would have nothing to do with. But over the year she got me to accept it more and more. Today I am proud to call myself an Otaku! It's about all I watch now days.

One thing that I found on my own and loved immensely was vocaloids. I for a while thought, as most who don't know about it, that it was a anime that I just could not find but when I finally discovered what it was. If  you don't know here is a video for you to enjoy. If you already know about it then enjoy!

I also enjoy a bit of k-pop but not a much as vocaloids.

Well that is all I have for you all today. I know it is not much but I will try and make tomorrows even better so just wait.

Have a great rest of your day and sleep well! :-)

What Am I Doing 30 Day Writing Challenge 2016Where stories live. Discover now