The Time Is Midnight

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Sorry if you all are getting annoyed by me saying it's midnight to start off each chapter. I just find it so funny that that is when I find my inspiration. When I should be sleeping. It's hilarious!

I have no idea what story I should tell you... Ahha! That's it that's the one. This is going to be good people because this is a story I look back on and always have mixed feelings on. But I know that to someone that an outsider to the story will laugh.

It starts out when I was in Kindergarten I believe. I know it was either that year or first grade but what you need to understand is that I was really young. So in my class we had checker boards that we would try and not succeed at playing. And one time I was playing with my classmates a piece fell on the floor. I was raised with the teachings that if you dropped anything you picked it up. That is what I did, I picked up the red checker piece, (I remember that detail very clearly you will soon understand that this was a very influential moment in my life and that is why I remember all the details so clearly), and for whatever reason proceeded to put it in my pocket.

Now you might be thinking that I put it in my pocket so that I could give it to my teacher latter. If you were thinking that you were wrong! Or you could be right I really don't remember this part of the story very much to be honest. Whatever I had planed to do with this red checker piece never occurred. You know why, because stupid younger me freaking forgot about the stupid checker piece!

All was well until laundry day came around. Hell broke into my house that day. Before I continue you all should know some things. First the town I was living in at the time was a very small town where you knew all the people that you needed to know in that part of town. Second my parents were at the time were very religious and were antiquated with the some of the more religious families. That included my mothers dad who was and still is a Lutheran pastor. Third they believed that all children lie! Speaking from experience here.

So back to laundry day. My mother was doing the laundry and while staring a load she found the checker piece in my pants pocket. By this time I had totally and completely forgotten about the shear existence of that checker piece. It had nothing to do with me and what could I do with it.

The damn thing was treated like a piece of gold from Fort Knox. Sweet goodness! When my mother called for me was the exact time Hell grabbed face looked me square in the eyes and said, "Fuck you and your innocence". 

Not knowing that this would be my end I foolishly went to my mother wondering what she wanted me for. This is how the conversation went ish:

Mother: *Holds up red checker piece* What is this?

Me: *Looks at it* A checker piece mommy.

Mother: Where did you get it?

Me: *Still not remembering the dang thing* I found it at school, I think, mommy.

Mother: Did you steal it then?

Me: No mommy why would I do that?!

Mother: We are going to have a chat about stealing things young lady.

I had forgotten the thing existed in the first place so this was very unnerving as my mother sat me down and gave me a lecture about how we are not suppose to steal things. When that was done all I wanted to do was go hide in my room but that was not was was to be. Before I could even leave the room my grandparents came into the room. Yep the pastor and his wife came in and gave me a lecture about how god would not love me if I stole things. Also that because I had "stolen" this checker piece he was very angry with me. This was very rattling for a Kindergartner. 

But my tale does not end there because these people were not done with me yet. The best was still to come. I swear they enjoyed scaring me shit less. This was due to the fact that after my grandparents were done with me they brought over one of the family friends. Ruth the family friend stepped things up to a whole new level. After the obligatory talk down she packed me up in her vehicle and drove us into town. I tell you that this was not a drive that said 'we are done here and I hope you understand'. No you see hell was still sitting on my shoulder drinking up all my fear and stress like a chocolate shake anticipating the next move of the people around me.

The reason was because the adventure was not done yet we had only decided to take a field trip. A field trip to drive by the county Prison! Yes as a Kindergartner they were telling me that I was going to go to prison for forgetting about a flipping red checker piece. They told me that the only way that I was going to not go to prison was to confess my sin to god. At the time I did not care what I had to do I just did not want to go to prison.

They gave me the perfect place to do what they wanted to do just that. After the prison drive by I was taken to my grandfathers empty creepy church. Not a soul to be seen. I was forced to the very front row of pews and as they sat around me I confessed my sin to god. 

Even at the time I realized it was a bit of an excessive thing to do to a Kindergartner. I think they were trying to get me to become even more religious. They don't know that it backfired. That was the start of my to being an atheist. Strange thing was they dropped the whole thing and acted like it never happened. No joke after it happened it was never spoken of again.

That was tonight's story for this chapter hope you enjoyed it! I will try and post my total word count next chapter so wait and see what stories I can remember next! 

Have a great day and sleep well! :-)  

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