Wax Museum

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Okay I had a better idea of what to write this chapter instead of little random stories from my middle school career. Had the idea for this story when I was just sitting down and looking at some water. Strange I know but that is not the point. 

Before I tell y'all the story I would just like you all to know that as always with my writing times, one step back and one step forward. It is a one step forward tonight! It is eleven people not one in the morning! Yay! Just wanted you to all know the status in my challenge to myself to go to bed at a decent time. 

Now on to the story. So when I was in elementary school there was a project that all the grades three and down looked forward to. The project was a research project on a person of our choice. We had to put our findings from biographical books and such on a poster to have on display for the part of the project all the students looked forward to. When we displayed out posters with all the information on our chosen person we got to dress up like them and the third graders became a living wax museum.

I think the person that I did was Elizabeth Blackwell she was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States. I'm not totally sure if it was her but I remember my person being a woman, her name had a B in it, and they were in the medical profession. So she is a likely candidate for who I did my report on.

Great as this all is but what I really wanted to tell you all about was what happened when we had set up the living wax museum. I remember that I had been sitting on a stool in a dress. In my hands I held a fake baby doll. I was holding the chest piece of the stethoscope my grandpa had lent me on the baby's chest while the ear pieces were in my ears.

While I was first sitting there I was wondering how I was going to be able to sit still the whole time. My eyes staring at the baby doll in my hands. But I didn't think about anything again until I had my grandma shake me telling me that we had to get out of the school NOW. This startled me to say the least. I looked around and saw two kids lying on the floor unconscious and a third looking like he was going to join the first two.

As I looked around further I realized that most everyone had already left the school. So I followed my grandma outside of the school after the trail of children and adults who had already left the building. We all trailed to the near by church that happened to be the one that my grandpa was the pastor at. My grandma keep asking how I was doing but it was like my head was stuck in a fog. I finally came about around half an hour later and was given the option to go back to school and get my stuff or just go home. Of course I just went home. 

The most interesting part of the story is what I learned later. Apparently there was something in the air vents at the school that day and we kids who stayed in the school the whole day were negatively affected. There was a point that kids suddenly started vomiting with no warning while others just dropped like flies. It strangely enough affected me differently because I still to this have no memory between starting the living wax museum to when my grandma took me out of the school.

I never flinched or moved when the other kids threw up around me or the adults yelling. Before all the mayhem started I had people stop and talk to me. One of the people that talked to me was my grandparents who actually got in my face and talked to me. No memory of them doing such things exists in my brain. It was as if I had actually turned it to the statue that I was portraying. 

I look fondly on these memories of having no memories because of the strange way that it affected me unlike the rest of the kids. After the event happened I never got sick like some of the other kids did. That made me feel good not have to be sick. 

When we had left the firemen had gone into the school to see what was making all of the children sick. They thought it was something in the ventilation system but there was never any conclusive answers that I remember. It was just a mystery about what had caused all those children to get sick. But hey I got out of half a day of school.

Next time I might tell you all about the other times that I personally got sick at school. Or what ever I come up with by tomorrow.

That's all I have for tonight though. As always have a great day and sleep well! :-)

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