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Okay I am really lacking the motivation tonight people. Or I should say morning because it is three in the morning. But this is the thirty day challenge not the thirty day when ever you want challenge. I can do this though.

So you all know that it is always nice to get a complement from some one you know. It means that they are noticing your achievements. It's even better when you get complemented by a stranger. This has happened to me at one of the strangest times. 

I was walking in town with my mother and sister one day a couple of weeks ago. While we were walking I saw something that made me very emotional. It was one of those things that hurt you to the very core of your self. We were in public though so I did not want to cry. My tears would not be held back that day.

There are magical creatures on this earth who can cry and not look like a monster from underneath the bed. I am not one such creature. The face I get when I cry would probably make babies cry. As soon as I think that I am going to start crying really bad my face gets all kinds of blotchy. It is instantaneous.

Oh sure I can cry quietly to a point but there is not pretty crying happening on my face. Ever. So as I had started to stop crying this lady walks by and give a glance in my direction. She then just says to me "Hey lady you're beautiful. I just wanted you to know that."

It made me feel so good inside even though my crying had nothing to do with my self confidence. The moment was lost though when we realized that she was high. But it still felt good to have some random stranger give me a complement.

Later I decided that I wanted at least another person to feel the same way that I did that moment that a stranger took the time to tell me I was pretty. That's what I ended up doing. Two weekends ago we were back by the Puget Sound and I saw this really pretty lady. So I went up to her ^ and spoke my mind. I told her that she was pretty. The best part of it was that she looked surprised that a stranger had taken some time in their day to tell her that she was beautiful.

That is all I have for tonight. The little (^) mark in the chapter is the point that this story has reached ten thousand words! I am not going to stop writing the challenge though just because I meet the word count goal. There are still seven-teen more days to go and seven-teen more stories to tell.

Have a great day and sleep well! :-)

What Am I Doing 30 Day Writing Challenge 2016Where stories live. Discover now