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I have decided to start giving chapter titles that match the story that I write that chapter. So look forward to that form now on. I don't think I will go back and change the other chapters. Maybe I will do it after the thirty days are over. If I am not too lazy.

Funny thing the time now is one thirty. Hehe I have fallen again! One of these days I will finally write a chapter at a decent time. Oh and there is also something I wanted you all to know! This is supper exciting for me because it means that I am close to completing the challenge or at least the word count. Not counting this chapter I have written 7,686 words! Yay! 

At the moment I am feeling generous and like I should give you all some information on myself. I am doing this because I feel like it and because I saw that I have a reader in Germany so I just wanted to let them know for possible clarification . I live in the United States of America in the state of Wyoming with my dad. But I visit my mom in the state of Washington. My mother lived in Colorado but moved. (Colorado was the move when I was seven or eight.) Huzzah to the least populated state in the USA! Go Wyoming!

Enough with that though on to the story. In my life I have nearly been locked in a library two separate times. Both stories are things that I brag about to those who know me. Strange thing to brag about I know but I take pride in almost being locked in libraries.

The first time that I was almost locked in a library was In Wyoming three to four years ago. I had taken a book off the shelf to see if I wanted to read it. The back description of book had managed to capture my attention enough that I was willing to read it and see if I was going to check it out. When I read I like if it is possible for me to be alone and for it to be quiet. So I took the book deciding to wander about the small library to see if I could find such a place. 

All my good luck was apparently used in finding that score of a book and a table in the only quiet part of the library. The table was in the back with a large window on the wall beside it. There was no one else around it was perfect. You know when you are reading a really good book and you are in that world watching all the events unfold. That effect then makes you unaware of your surroundings. Well that is exactly what happened.

I never hear the staff announce that the library was closing and the accompanying flashing of the lights. I'm sure the reason that the lights did not bring me back to the world was because of the constant natural light coming through the window right next to my face. No other patrons realized that I was there and the staff woman did not notice me either when she made sure no one was still in the library. The only reason that I was not locked in the library was because they took the back exit when they left.

As they were leaving they looked right at my reading figure, as I was what was in their line of sight, and made a bunch of startled noises. Those noises shook me out of my reading haze causing me to look up at their startled faces. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Is something the matter?

Staff: The library is closed! What are you still doing here?!

Me: What! The library is closed! I never heard any thing though!

Staff: We also flashed the lights. How did we miss you though?

Me: *Gesturing to the book in my hands* Well what do you want me to do with this? I want to check it out.

Staff: The computers are turned off so you can't check it out now. Just leave it there we will deal with it tomorrow. Come back later and check it out then okay. Now do you have all of your stuff with you.

Me: I do it's all right here.

Staff: Then grab it you are going to have to leave with us through the back as we have already locked the front doors.

So I left through the back of the library with the staff and that is one of the times I almost got locked in a library. 

The other time was in Colorado. I had spent the day volunteering at the library because I had noting better to do that day. (This story is not as interesting just so you all know.) As I was putting some books back on the shelf the lights flickered and I thought that I was going to be trapped in a library once again. But luckily it was only the fifteen minute warning to patrons that the library was closing. 

I looked down at the stack of books I had yet to re-shelf and though to myself, "Yah I can totally finish this and get out on time." The library gods smiled upon me that day because after I had signed out, gotten my stuff, and was heading for the door I realized that I was once again the last patron. The security guard at the door saw me walking to the doors and told me to put a hustle on it.

When I finally got to the doors he had to pry the inner and the outer automatic door open so that I could get out. They had already turned of the automatic sliding doors when I tried to leave. I thanked him as he let me out and I wondered if I was ever going to be caught in another library ever again.  

There you have it people the two times I was almost trapped in a library. And no to those who are wondering I have not been nearly locked in any more libraries. Yet. 

That is the story I have for you tonight. Next chapter I will make it a bunch of little stories from my middle school career. 

As always have a great day and sleep well! :-)

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