So Sleepy

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So today I actually did something today. Hooray! It is my summer vacation so me actually doing something is, at least to me, a very big thing. When I go back home I will go back to work but for now it is just a time to do nothing. 

Okay funny thing that last paragraph was written at eleven but then I went to YouTube to pull up some music. Next thing I know is that it is midnight. At least it is not two in the morning. 

What story should I tell you today? I just have no idea what to write I feel as though I have to write these really long stories. There is not that expectation for the challenge but I feel it there none the less. Well I guess I will just tell you all about what I am watching at the moment.

On Netflix I am watching a show from 2009 but that does not really matter I told y'all for background information. The show is called Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed. It's name is really long I know. If you had not guessed it already it is a show where a world class magician tells you how tricks are completed. 

One of the most enjoyable parts of it is before they tell you how a trick is completed they show you the trick in all it's glory. I find it quite enjoyable to try and figure out how they do the tricks before they have the big reveal. There are times that I am right in my assumptions of how a trick is done or at least what I thought could have helped to it. 

It's a great show for curious minds who want to know how people can trick you. That's how I feel anyway. 

I am so sleepy though so that is where I am going to end the chapter today. Next chapter I'll talk about what I am reading or give you some stories to go with the book theme.

As always have a great day and sleep well! :-)

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