Chapter 4 Thoughts and 20 Questions

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    Brantley went to Thomas' bus and knocked as he opened the door and walked up. Thomas turned as he was pacing and said," Thank God you are okay. Do you know how crazy that was? What if she was some crazy fan and kidnapped youBG?"
    Brantley laughed," She dropped me off told me to come let you know that I was okay and to stop your pacing thinking that  I had been kidnapped by some crazy fan. I told her she had you pegged to a T."
    Thomas looked at him and said," What's different about her BG? Why such an interest?"
     Brantley looked at Thomas and said," For the first time in a long time I was just Brantley, not country music star, not BG , just Brantley. We talked about her family and football and how she chose Bama over Georgia. I was just a friend talking to a friend. She said she told me things that she doesn't usually tell. It was nice to just talk to someone who wasn't asking me all kinds of questions. "
Thomas looked at BG and said,"Well you need a contract for her song do you have one of the generic ones that we can fill out? How much are you gonna give her?"
Brantley said," I want to give her 10,000.00 up front and then half of whatever royalties it makes. I know that may seem weird to some but I love that song and want to sing it and it just has a chorus and one verse. But I can hear it in my head man. I'm going to her house tomorrow to write the rest with her and she's cooking a meal. I am also taking her and her mom all access passes for tomorrow night. Just talking to her man, she lost her husband as you heard her tell Coach Saban's wife but she also lost her dad a few months before that and yet she continues to smile and live. Those are the type people I want around me Thomas. Those are who I want as friends man. "
     Thomas said," I hear you bud and I'm happy that you have found someone like that they are hard to find if they know you are famous. But I don't have to tell you that do I?"
     Brantley said," no you don't I'm heading to my bus to lay down I've got sound check at 10am then I'm heading out and I will see you back around 4 or 5pm probably. Night man."
    Thomas said," night man"

    As Brantley gets on his bus his phone buzzes in his pocket. He checks it and it is Savannah:

Sav : This is Savannah and I made it home okay. My address is  125 Tamaha Trace at the Retreat Tuscaloosa Al. If the gate isn't open just call me. It usually is during the day but if not I will come let you in. Hope everything went okay with Thomas. I got the lecture of how I'm too trusting.🙄

BG: Glad you made it home okay. I will text you when I leave here tomorrow so you will know about when to expect me.
Thomas was pacing and worried but he's okay now and yeah you probably were too trusting but I'm glad you were because I enjoyed your company. Been a long time since I have enjoyed a conversation this much.

Sav: I enjoyed talking to you Brantley but like I said I am a fan of your music so I knew that you were taught to respect women. I felt safe if not I would have gotten Big Dave to take me to my car. He has done that for us girls in the past.

BG: That's good to know that you are smart like that.

Sav:My sister and Mal are kinda upset they can't go to the concert but were excited when I said you were coming for lunch. They love concerts and have been trying to get in one or more since Freshman year and they went to one together. For them to not know each other before they came to school here they are like 2 peas in a pod. It made us all feel better when Ellie found Mal and they got along. Anyway that's enough of my rambling. See you tomorrow.

BG: I don't mind the rambling it's nice that you feel comfortable to do that. Besides I have a younger brother so I totally understand. Are you sleepy? Or are you up a while?

Sav: I'm up a while after games like tonight's, I have to wind down . What about you?

BG: I'm up for a while on tour I'm usually up writing till about 4am most nights and sleep late then get up do soundcheck, interviews or just hang out til showtime. Want to play 20 questions to get to know each other better while we wind down?

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