Chapter 11 Elephant in the Room

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The group arrives back to the buses and Brantley and Savannah go to his bus and sit on the couch and he turns the TV on its on CMT and he turns the volume down so they can talk. 
    Savannah's phone buzzes and she checks to see who it's from. She tells him it's Ellie I need to see what's going on.

Twisted Sister🤘🏻❤️: my phone is going off nonstop and I'm at work. Everyone has seen the video and/ or was at the concert. They are trying to find out if you are okay. Mall said you didn't come home. Are you okay?

Savannah: I'm fine, I hung out with Brantley and the band and was here when the adrenaline wore off so I just crashed on his bus. I'm fine I have an ugly bruise that I have covered with makeup and I'm just spending what time I can with him before they leave or I have to for class.

Twisted Sister🤘🏻❤️: okay I will talk to you after your class but just so you know Mall said people were talking about it and how you looked familiar and that its all on social media, love you sis!

Savannah: I saw a little this morning and I don't really care. I didn't do anything wrong . Talk to you at 7:30 , love you sis!

    Savannah looked at Brantley and said," How close are you to Bobby Bones?"
   Brantley said," Well I have his number and have often visited the show when I'm in town. Why?"
      Savannah said," Well on the way home this morning that was on in the truck and he defended you and said that you would have done that for any woman and that you weren't a cheater you respected women too much for that and if you had found a new love then good for you. That he wouldn't go down those roads without hearing from you. I know you are gonna have to respond to all of it and I don't really have a say in how you do respond but I was wondering if you had thought about it."
   Brantley looked at her and said," Darlin' I planned on talking to you about it but I wasn't sure how or what you felt about it. I don't want to cause you problems at school and yes I have to respond well I don't have to but I'm going to. I may have done a lot of hell raising in my life but I have NEVER been a cheater. I have had hookups but they knew they were hookups. I have never have anyone false hope in a relationship. I haven't spoken publicly about my breakup with Jana. I feel like that stuff is private, not to be aired. We both work in music and I don't believe in ruining someone. I'm the type when I say something and I get what's that , I'm like yeah I damn sure said it. I know when I have done something and I own it so I'm about ready to take their pistol pointing fingers and shove it. I come from a long bloodline of not taking shit off anyone, and that ain't gonna change and that is beginning to include reporters. They don't make guys like me cause what you see is what you get. All that being said, I like you and I know it's quick but I want to see where this goes between us, but I worry that this will make you see that it isn't easy being around me and you won't want to deal with the stress of it and school."
     Savannah said. "My mama and daddy didn't raise me to run when it got tough, they taught me you stuck together and get through it. There is strength in numbers. I feel things when we are together that I thought had died when I buried my husband. I know I'm still young but I wasn't looking for any kind of relationship. I like you, I enjoy us just hanging out and talking writing and you got to get me pen and paper I need it, anyway I would like to see where this goes too. We may see that we are just good friends and song writing buddies or we may find out we are each other's half. I don't know but I want to find out and if it doesn't work then we will have the dance that we have shared. That is what life is about, the good, the bad and the ugly, we just have to figure out what goes in each of those categories. So saying all that I think you need to contact Bobby Bones but first go online and listen to today's show and what he said and how he said it. I am okay with however you want to handle it just asking for a heads up before you do it."
    Brantley said, "Okay I will tell Jeff to start working on a release and to send it for our approval and I will listen to Bobby now. Why do you need pen and paper?  So we are in agreement to let us play out however it goes?"
    " I need it I have words running in my head and yes I want to see if we play out like I think it might or dare I say hope we play out."Savannah replied.
    Brantley got her some paper and pen and she began to write furiously on the paper. He text Jeff to work on it and got his computer to listen to Bobby Bones. There was a knock on the door and Thomas came on looked at both of them and shook his head. He asked BG what he was doing listening to Bobby and BG explained what Savannah had told him about Bobby defending him this morning. She wanted him to listen and then contact him to do the interview since he seemed to be the only one who was objective. 
     Thomas said," okay I get that but what is she doing?"
        BG said," if I had a guess writing a song, we were talking and she said she needed pen and paper cause she had words running through her head. So I'm curious how it works for her."
        Brantley listened to Bobby and Savannah was right he is the one to do the interview. He sent Bobby a text and wanted to know when in the next few days could he come in for an interview about what happened at the concert and he sent Jeff a text saying what he had done with Bobby.
       Bobby sent back and asked how long he was going to be in Tuscaloosa that The Raging Idiots had a show there tomorrow night and he could do the interview in the morning if possible.  Brantley had said he was supposed to leave tonight but could delay until tomorrow without a problem.  Brantley set that up with Jeff and told him to make it work.
      Brantley and Thomas start talking about hunting while watching Savannah. She is still writing and Brantley hears her humming and he knows it's gonna be a catchy tune. He picks his guitar up about the time Ben and Jeff walk on the bus. Brantley shakes his head and motions for them to be quiet. He's moving his hands on the guitar without making sound. They just watch her and she huffs and then marks something out and puts something in its place. They all watch her and look at each other amazed.

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