Chapter 63

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   Savannah was sitting in Brantley's lap and they were enjoying his family that had dropped by to visit with them when her phone started going off it was the Alabama fight song. Savannah reached over Brantley to the table and answered her phone
S: Merry Christmas Coach!
Coach Saban: Merry Christmas Savannah! Is Brantley around with you?
S: yeah want me to put him on speaker phone?
Coach: Please do it Savannah
B: Okay Coach you are on speaker phone and Merry Christmas!
Coach: Merry Christmas Brantley! I have a favor to ask you. As you know we are playing in the playoffs in 6 days and some of us have to work.
S: I'm sorry Coach but thank you for letting me off to spend all this time with my husband of a month.
Coach : Well like I was saying I need a favor, we are making another trip to Atlanta and it's on New Years Eve and I understand if y'all already have plans but I'm asking if you would like to play a condensed concert after the game as part of the celebration and ring in the New Year? It would be televised as part of the New Years Rocking Eve celebration.
B: Coach did they ask you to call me or is this your idea?
C: Well it was my idea I thought that it would be a way to get my favorite girl there for the celebration if her main guy was gonna be the entertainment. So are you already committed?
B: The only commitment that I have made is to spend time with my wife and I know that is where she will want to be and I have only dreamt of playing the Georgia Dome so my answer Coach is Hell Yeah I will play a concert but I have to call Jeff .
C: Do what you have to and get back with me as soon as we can have a contract.
B: Will do coach.

Brantley hangs up the phone and he looks at Savannah and said," this is the best Christmas ever baby and it's all because of you! Now let me up to call Jeff and the guys" Brantley calls Jeff and gives him the information to call and get it set up and then calls they band. They are all excited and tell him they will head to Georgia in the morning so they can go over things and rehearse for the Georgia Dome.

Brantley sat back down and pulled Savannah back in his lap and his cousin John asked why Coach Saban called Savannah his favorite girl and what did he mean let her off to spend time with Brantley? Brantley laughs and explains Savannah has started working for him and he loves her like he does his own daughter. And during football season everyone works everyday even Christmas. Savannah explained that after practice they all went to Coach Sabans house for Christmas dinner, like a family.

Kolby and Ellie come in and Savannah starts laughing and said Ellie I need your help with something, and pulls her upstairs. Ellie said," what do you need?" Savannah laughed and said," I need you to put your shirt on right and it not be inside out. If you and Kolby are gonna sneak off girl you got to make sure that you are both dressed back like you started out."
Ellie blushed and said," it's not like that Savannah and you know it, well maybe it is" and she started laughing and flopped on Savannah's bed. "He makes me feel so alive Sav, like I am the only woman in the world. He tells me I'm beautiful and smart and sexy, me nerdy Ellie he says I'm sexy." Ellie starts to cry and Savannah hugs her and say," El you are all of those things beautiful, smart and sexy and a real man knows when he has that and makes sure she knows it every day of her life. That's the difference in boys and men. Men are proud of their woman and they do everything hey can to build her up. That's like Brantley, he loves me El , me a college student that had been married before. Just a plain Jane girl but yet he makes me feel like a super model and not just when I'm dressed up but when I have on sweats and my hair is up in a messy bun with no makeup, or when I'm sick and my nose looks like Rudolph. That is a real man one who finds you sexy and can't keep his hands off of you and makes sure that you are well loved and taken care of. I loved Bryant but El let's be honest, it was all about him and I can say that now. I know what it is to be loved and appreciated. There is no way that if my situation with Bryant was the same as with Brantley that he would have said go to Bama. He would have pitched a fit for me to go to Georgia State to be in the same state as him and drive and live in this house. He was selfish and that is one thing Brantley isn't, he cares about me and my dreams as much as he does his."
Ellie looks at Savannah," I know but I have never been loved by a man like Kolby. I don't see what he sees in me but Sav I am so glad he does. I love him and it will destroy me to lose him. I never knew that sex would feel this great, I mean we connect on a level that is so hard to describe to anyone. Not that I want to I want to keep it between us but he makes me feel amazing and that I can conquer the world when I am in his arms. Now get out of here and let me go fix myself in my room and thanks for having my back and the save goes to you."
    Savannah walks downstairs looking for Kolby and finds him in the kitchen. She goes up to him and hugs him and he hugs her back and asks if she's okay. Savannah said," I am now that my sisters shirt will be on right side out" he turned red and then she said," you are a good man brother and I'm glad that Ellie has you in her life." Savannah is crying and Brantley walks in and looks at Kolby with a glare as he takes Savannah in his arms and asks what's wrong. She lets his scent surround her as she sinks into his embrace and said,"nothing is wrong, I'm  just happy that Ellie has found someone who makes her feel like you make me feel. Loved and wanted and for the first time in her life sexy. So nothing is wrong quite the opposite everything is great."
  Brantley and Kolby looked at each other over her head and Kolby said,"Savannah I love Ellie and I promise you I will do everything in my power to make her happy but more than that I will do everything to keep her happy."
Savannah said," I know and that is why I am so happy" 

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