Quotes About Books

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1. When I look at my room, I see a girl who loves books. - Looking For Alaska

2. There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

3. Books have to be heavy because the whole world's inside them.

4. My dearest friends are characters in books. - Heir Of Fire

5. Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry. - The Infernal Devices

6. To really be a nerd, you had to prefer fictional worlds to the real one. - Fangirl

7. One must always be careful of books and what's inside them as words have the power to change us. - The Infernal Devices

8. If I were a book, I'd contain poems that light up the night. - If I Were A Book

9. Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all humans read the book. - The Fault In Our Stars

10. Books are so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal. - The Fault In Our Stars

A/n: I hope you're enjoying this book. :)

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