Quotes By One Direction #3

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1. Cats are evil. They just sit there and look at you, you know they're plotting world domination, just waiting for the moment to pounce. - Liam

2. You gotta live hardcore to be hardcore. - Liam

3. I think if I was girl, I'd probably have a crush on Zayn. Just look at him. He's just pretty, isn't he? His cheekbones. - Harry

4. Call me Mr. Borrow your girl because stealing is wrong. - Harry

5. That's the amazing thing about music, there's a song for every emotion. Can you imagine a world where there was no music? It would suck. And I'd still be a baker. - Harry

6. Never make eye contact with anyone while eating a banana. - Harry

7. Eating toast in the shower is the ultimate multitask. - Harry

8. If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard. - Harry

9. Vas happenin'! - Zayn

10. Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life. - Zayn

11. Okay so I'm really bloody confused! I mean bloody figuratively, I'm not a zombie. - Zayn

12. In life we have decisions to make, paths to take and opportunities to take advantage of. - Zayn

13. I love the fact that I grew up wanting a brother and now I have four. - Zayn

A/n: The last one kills me though :'(

So these were a few chapters with quotes by 1D. If you're a directioner, who's your favorite member? ❤

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