Quotes By One Direction

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I'm gonna have a few chapters filled with quotes from my favorite boys ☺❤

1. I think there's nothing wrong with eating all the time. At least I'm not doing anything illegal. - Niall

2. Where're we going today Mark? - Niall

3. I'd rather go to sleep than find a girl. - Niall

4. I'm the most carefree mo'fo' in the world. - Niall

5. Zayn pisses me off sometimes; how can he be so stunning without even trying? - Niall

6. If it were legal, I'd marry food. - Niall

7. I want a girlfriend who eats as much as I do, which is a lot. - Niall

8. The only reason I wear stripes is because I secretly want to be a zebra. - Louis

9. Always in my heart Harry Styles. Yours sincerely, Louis. - Louis

10. The Story of My Life is drinking cups of tea, eating coco pops and playing Playstation. - Louis

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