Quotes From 'MWL' & 'Growing Up' #2

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1. They say love is good for your health... Good my ass! I was lucky to be young, otherwise I would have had a heart failure a long time ago. - Jules

2. Adrenaline is a blessing. It can do miracles, really. - Jules

3. Love makes us monsters, people. Watch out. - Jules

4. Life is a big walking cliché, peachy girl. - Evan

5. Writers always leave pieces of themselves in their stories. - Evan

6. That was what I really loved from Jason. He could make me smile even in the worst situations. He was a cheerful guy; no matter what the circumstances, he could always bring a smile to my lips. - Jules

7. My bed had to be the most comfortable thing on Earth. It was soft like a cloud. - Jules

8. No one had ever given me something like this before. It was so meaningful. It wasn't just some random necklace. He found a way to make it unique, to relate it to me. - Jules

9. I wish I could explain how I felt. The overwhelming feeling in my chest was spreading across my entire body. It's amazing how your body reacts to your emotions. My heart was pumping blood as fast as possible; my throat was dry all of a sudden. The though of facing him was making me dizzy. - Jules

10. You are more than just a feeling. You are a beautiful walking miracle, Julie Ann Jones. - Evan

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