Quotes About Books #3

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1. A room without books is like a body without a soul. - Cicero

2. I'm not really sure which parts of myself are real and which parts are things I've gotten from books. - Go Ask Alice

3. Books are the ultimate dumpees: Put them down and they'll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back. - An Abundance of Katharines

4. Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life. - Eragon

5. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. - The Infernal Devices

6. I don't want to just read books; I want to climb inside them and live there.

7. Fiction is always better than reality.

8. I have always liked reading - not that I'm a "Nerd" or anything. I think it's nice to disappear into someone else's life sometimes. It's like my getaway. - He's No Good (A book on Wattpad)

9. Fiction can be the best escape for anyone, you just need to let yourself disappear with the words.

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