Quotes By One Direction #2

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1. Remember, you may not be plastic but you are fantastic. - Louis

2. I like girls who eat carrots. - Louis

3. I'd marry you Harry, because it rhymes. - Louis

4. I'm the swag mastah from Doncastah! - Louis

5. If I were a food, I'd be a Chili because you know...I'm hot. - Louis

6. Live fast have fun and be a bit mischievous. - Louis

7. Whenever I'm sad I just imagine babies with moustaches. - Liam

8. It's DJ Payne in the house. - Liam

9. Niall is like my girlfriend. Everytime we hang out, I buy him food whenever he's hungry and take him wherever he wants. - Liam

10. Just found out that when I'm on my own I talk to myself. - Liam

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