Random Quotes #3

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1. One good thing about music; when it hits you, you feel no pain. - Bob Marley

2. You never give up on your music no matter what happens, cause any time something bad happens to you, that's one place you can escape to and just let it all go.

3. No one else has access to the world you carry around within yourself; you are its custodian and entrance. No one else can see the world the way you see it... No one else can feel your life the way you feel it. Thus it is impossible to ever compare two people because each stands on such different ground. When you compare yourself to others, you are inviting envy into your consciousness; it can be a dangerous and destructive guest. - John O'Donohue

4. I get lost inside my mind.

5. Everybody has their private world, where they can be alone.

6. Sometimes it takes losing something to realize what you’ve had.

7. Sarcasm falls out of my mouth like stupidity out of yours.

8. Sleeping is my drug. My bed is the dealer and my alarm clock is the police.

9. I'm not lazy. I'm just on energy saving mode.

10. I am one step away from being rich. All I need now is money.

A/n: I guess this chapter's theme was mainly music and humour, lol. ;)

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