Chapter 1- Insanity

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"Silver, Large Body, 7:00!"  Shade shouted at me as she herself finished off an Air Soldier.

"Thanks, Shade!"  I said as I turned and sliced it clean in half, both halves turning into cloud's of darkness.  I saw a small group of Shadow's directly behind it, so I fired a Tenshouha at them, obliterating each one.  "Blaze, how you holding up?"

"Just fine.  Marine keeps getting in my way, though."  Blaze replied, a tone of irritation in her voice.  She started spinning, wrapping herself in fire, and took off in the direction of a rather large group of Heartless.

"Well, excuse me, your Highness!  Stop getting in my way then!"  Marine said back to her.  Her heavy Australian accent kind of... weakened, from being around people who don't speak like that, so if she doesn't sound like herself, it's not my fault.  She pulled some water from the plants around her and impaled the last few Heartless on spears of water, and put her customized Versa-Wrench away.  Shade landed next to her, blades folding back into her body suit.

"Marine, how many times have I told you not to call me that?"  Blaze asked, a tone of exasperation in her voice.

She contacted Valhalla on her headset.  "Mission completed.  On our way back now."  She hung up, and turned to me.  "So, Silver, you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

"Not really.  I was thinking of visiting Nicholas Flamel afterwards.  We're running out of potions of just about every kind.  After that, I got nothing special in mind."

Marine piped up, "Hey, Silver, mate, want to race afterwards?  I've gotten bettah at controlling my Gear."

"Sure, why not.  Blaze, you up?"  I asked.

"I do not see why not."  She said, back straight as a board.  Even after a successful mission, the girl just cannot relax.

I turned to her.  "My word, Blaze, lighten up!"  At that moment, Nicholas called me up.

"Portal's open.  Head there before the Mushroom Kingdom wakes up."  He hung up without another word.

Shade gave me a questioning look.  "He's nothing like Nicole is he?"

Marine answered her with a shrug,  "He's just not as outgoing as Nicole.  Otherwise, he's a lot like her.  I should know, I've seen his programming.  It's almost exactly like Nicole's."  The portal opened up about 5 feet in front of us after she said that.  "Well, let's go, mates!"  And she jumped in.  "Last one at the track's a rotten egg!"

Blaze sighed, "You just cannot control that kid.  Hey Shade, I think it's your turn to watch her.  Make sure she doesn't get into trouble."

"Yes, your Highness."  She said teasingly, and she jumped in before Blaze could say anything.

"Why does everyone insist on calling me that?  It's not like my status could affect anything here."

"It's because they know you don't like it."  Blaze glared at me.  "C'mon Blaze, you need to learn to loosen up."  And before she could say anything in retort, I jumped through the portal.  I called back to her, "Blaze, if you're this tense all the time, you won't live past 30."  I landed on the other side of the portal, and I almost smashed into Silvia, my Alter.

I guess I should explain that a little, huh?  Okay, here goes.  There is a group in Valhalla who call themselves the Misfits.  It consists of six members: Umbreon, Espeon, Lucario, Glaceon, Absol, and Zoroark.  They are responsible for the defeat of the previous three big villains to threaten Valhalla.  After the most recent one, an extremely powerful version of the Homunculus Pride, they all escaped through a portal.  Pride's death released so much energy that it threw off their portal's exit, taking them to a Multiverse where everything is the same, except that every one is gender swapped.  Now the two have been combined into one Omniverse(don't ask me for details, I wasn't there.), and now our Alters can work with the originals.  Silvia is my Alter.  

Heart Transcendent- A Silvaze storyWhere stories live. Discover now