Beautiful Mistake

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I'm not sure how will this story be, but surely not a cliché. Hope you enjoy :)


Carol's *POV* [Point Of View]

'Er, Hello?'

''Hello beautiful! How can I help you?"

I had to look back ways, to crosscheck if he was referring to me, guess he was! Because at this hour of morning the library was officially closed.

"Umm..I had an appointment with Miss Quinn, she said she'll meet me at this hour." I said peeking at my watch, it was sharp two minutes passed Seven.

"Oh sorry, I think you gotta wait; she is running late this morning. Please have a seat!" he kept the teaspoon on his saucer and sipped his tea, as his eyes went back to his laptop screen.

"By the way, I am Sam-Samuel Monfront!" he said stretching his hand forward.

"Carol Nouvelle" I said trying to smile, but God his devilish smile gawking at me with so much intensity and interest made me nervous. I tugged back to my grey floral dress, which matched my eyes and moreover it was loose enough not to clung to my so not flat torso!

My brown strands hanging loose from my ponytail, made me want to bite my nails!

"Carol Nouvelle, Ah Cara!..i think i remember you, Captain Ed Nouvelle's daughter?"

He said burrowing his eyebrows and nodding in recognition, but I was still confused. Who the hell is this handsome young man. Seemed like in his early thirties, with dashing hazel eyes and deep black hair, perfect wide mouth with a small nose and tempting lips curved in a big smile.

"Yeah, right guess but sorry I don't remember you?"

"Don't be, not your mistake! Hello again, I am Samuel Monfront -Adele Quinn's one and only son, though i lived with my Dad in London and hardly came to visit Mom, but well i remember you pretty well!" he said winking from behind his laptop screen.

"SAM!" i said in amusement as the memory came back flooding. Ghosh how can I not remember- The so Hot and Wanted Sam Monfront! He hardly came to Connecticut but well when he did, every girl's skirt went two inches shorter, boobs padded and makeup was refined!

He was almost six years senior but that didn't stop any and every girl to try her luck.And I think the reason he remembers me so well, because my best friend Macy had this big bubble crush on this hipster, who took her vigirnity at 17 and next time didn't even spare her a look! The night after, she came to my house and after crying and abusing him for hours and hours we both slept watching 'Friends With Benefits' and eating buckets of Cookie Cream ice-cream.

"Yeah Sam! How are Maura and Ed doing?" he said offering me coffee, which i refused politely. Now-a-days Caffeine was not working good for me, though i was not sure which made me more sick-The coffee or the hot April Sun!

"Emm..Mum and Dad are cruising Asia at the moment!" I lied confidently. I don't even remember when last did i actually talk with them.

I tried replying to their emails often possible but its hard to keep track of them, when they are on vacation. Since Dad's retirement from Marines it was hard for him to stay home, so he and Mum had decided upon exploring the world, selling away all the house, property and belongings here and travelling from past four years!

"So are you on a visit or ..."

" i am back here to settle down and i had this appointment with Adele to work here here..i mean any work is fine.....assistant, librarian, typist..."

"Wooahh i'm sure you are getting this job! Mom cant handle all this on her own and i guess she wont find any better Librarian than Carol Nouvelle, Its Nouvelle right?" he said looking at my empty ring finger which still had the band mark of my seven years old wedding.

"Ya, Nouvelle it is!" i said pulling my hand on my lap.

"So nice to have you back in town and specially you working for Mom, is such a relief! Most of the time i try to help her out but i'm more busy at the sites, its only the mornings and late nights when i get a chance to sneak inn!"

"So do I get this job?" i asked crossing my fingers behind my knees.

"Ya of course! I'l inform Mom, she will be so happy to have you!"

"When do I start?" I asked excited finally happy to get away with the unemployed tag!

"At the very moment!" he said pushing the files towards me.

"You can start with the shelves and arrange this in alphabetical order till Mom comes and gives you a round tour, i really gotta complete these blueprints and rush!" he said pressing more buttons on his laptop.

"Cool then, I'l start working!" i excused myself and equated the list and the book numbers starting with the travel log section.

Two nights earlier when my bus pulled in at the Connecticut mainland i had this good overwhelming feeling about coming back to my hometown, though deep inside i was scared like hell, I could hardly manage to pull out money for my bus trip from NewYork as I was saving to pay the mortgage of that small dusty brown cottage which i managed to rent at the cheapest possible price!

I think it was about an hour later when I turned my head from the stool on which I was standing to reach the older edition of books, when Sam called me to say good bye.

But suddenly the cold sweat dripping on my forehead made me shaky and my empty growling stomach made me more unstable and dizzy. The dark clouds of mist covered my eyes and my head was no longer on my shoulder but humming around in circles, when I closed my eyes and lost my balance from the cracking stool and waited for my body to crash the ground.....


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Whoops! End of 1st chapter, c'mon people be a sport and press that VOTE button! And i would love to get your comments, write whatever you feel..good/bad..i'm cool with all critics!

PS: Sorry for the errors-No proof reading Done!

Thankyou all for reading. I'l try to update ASAP

so if you would like to read this story further,

Stay tuned and keep voting!



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