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Carol's *POV*

"Cara are you feeling good? Should I get you some water?" That was Sam hovering over me as I tried to open my eyes. Hell that means I am not Dead!! I closed my half open eyes again and sighed in relief.

Pffft! God Lord! I don't how exactly what happened but when my feet was longer on the surface, I tried to scream but my voice wont come out. I remember having a black out, as i hold on my torso, trying to protect it.

"Get side! Carol have some lemonade, you will feel better!".

This time the voice was so familiar yet so different. My pupils opened in a blink and almost jumped out of its socket as i saw Macy aka Miranda Cameron standing there in her pale blue denim shorts and a purple tank top. Her smoky grey eyes almost turned a darker shade of green as she stared at me-her face showing no emotions!

Ghoosh! She was still the same, just that her skin was more of bronze and rose, her lips painted blood red-matching her red hair! Whoops! What had she done to her hair, I remember so well-she had this beautiful light auburn hair with ruby fusion which she maintained well in a bob!

She didn't like to grow it long, but now her red hair were flowing down her shoulder with those burgundy bangs-which made her look completely like those sexy chick-flick! And I had to hold back my giggle as I saw dear Sam checking out her butted Ass!


I took her hand and felt the warmth as our bodies touched and that strong bond radiated its power.

"Not Macy, Its Miranda!" she pulled back her hand and turned her face away from me.

"Macy please at least look at me!"

"Why should I Carol? You were the one who didn't bother to tell me! I didn't even know you were back in town from last two days!". I looked at Sam grudgingly for passing on this information.

'Sorry' he mouthed as Macy gave him the 'Get Out' look!

"I was going to call you but I got busy cleaning the house and shifting-I lost your number!" I lied convincingly, though i swear i had planned to call her, but well I had no mobile phone nor was there any landline in the old cottage!

"Oh Really! You lost my number and trashed my email id. Is this a good enough reason not to contact for three fucking years!"

I saw the pain simmering in her eyes, as her words darted my heart. I and Macy had been friends since so long, that now i dont even remember.

That   very   hot   summer  day,  I and Mum had detoured our evening walk to the shore when i first saw Macy and Aidan! She was making sand castles with her brother and that moment i envied her so much! I always wanted to have a younger sibling to share my things with, to play-fight and have fun! But that never came along. But instead that day she saw me looking and offered me to join inn. What joy! That day onwards we were always together- playing, schooling, Pms-ing and all those stupid teenage stuffs. I never though we would become Best Friends Forever, but we did!

"Macy I coul..."

"Girls girls girls- Time Out!" Both our heads turned to the clicking of heels as we saw Adele walking in, followed by Sam.

"How are you feeling darling?" She came closer and checked my pulse and pupils. Adele was still the same!

Though she must be in her sixties but her black dyed hair and maintained figure made her look in her thirties! Now i notice, how alike Sam looked. He got his black eyes from Adele that sharp sexy nose was a carbon copy!

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